Tech Speak - Tata Consulting Engineers' Blog Blog


Seismic Margin Assessment (SMA) of Safety Critical Piping in Nuclear Power Plants of India.

The SMA method has typically been used in other countries for the safety evaluation under seismic conditions of existing nuclear facilities. It considers seismic intensity level which is beyond design basis earthquake events, also...


Key Management System

Keys are the one of most important and integral assets of any organization. Most of the organization maintains physical log book for keys taken and return time by the authorized persons for various rooms/...


Pipeline Intrusion Detection

Pipeline Intrusion Detection (PID) detects for any third party interference, malicious attempts and unauthorised excavation along buried pipeline which pose a major challenge. The pipelines often are routed through remote and hostile territories which...



Microgrid is an emerging concept, which has gained significant attention and popularity in the power industry owing to its contribution to improvements in efficiency, reliability, resilience and independence over the traditional utility grid. A...