Tech Speak - Tata Consulting Engineers' Blog Blog
The Bar Yard building is a structural steel framework with crane girders and was constructed during 1925 – 1935. The health of the foundation and superstructure was observed to be in poor condition. Detail...
A smart city is defined as a city equipped with intelligent infrastructure which provides improved quality of life with sustainable environment through smart built solutions. Smart cities demand for a reliable, energy efficient and...
For any business, an effective employee training and qualification program is worth the investment, the power industry is no exception to this. Power industry managers always ensure that they have well trained operators for...
For sustainable growth, power generation from renewable energy is considered as one of the best options throughout the world. Of the renewables energy sources, solar and wind are considered as feasible options to meet...
The best design of the control system architecture for a plant is the one where the failure of any component/subsystem does not affect the plant safety. Here, we will discuss the control system of...
Introduction Ethanol is an alcohol which can be produced either by petrochemical method though the hydration of ethylene or through biological processes like the fermentation of sugarcane, molasses, starch, wheat, corn etc. The biological...
Abstract – TCE in the role of Design engineering Consultant, Owner’s engineer or Project management consultant has done significant value additions during concept designs and specifications for Land Development Work. The development levels for...
In one of the green field chemical marketing terminal located in Middle East, 29 chemical storage tanks were proposed to be installed in a very compact plot area. The client wanted to increase the...
Inelastic Design spectra analysis is an approach to optimize the design of a non-safety related structure located next to safety related structure. TCE used this approach to qualify non-safety related structures in nuclear power...
The recent revision in environmental norms issued by MOEF made it mandatory for thermal power plants and process industries to measure mercury emission in air .Hence it is impervitive that proper understanding of mercury...