Tech Speak - Tata Consulting Engineers' Blog Blog


Restoration of a Distressed Tailing Dam

Introduction   Handling and management of tailings from a process plant is always a tricky and sometimes neglected part of engineering and operation. The tailings in mineral and ore processing plants contain some quantity of...


Application of Novak’s Method for Design of Low Frequency Rotating Equipment Foundation Block on Driven Cast In Situ RCC Piles in Weak Soil

Numbers of rotating machines having wide range of frequencies operate in a thermal power plant. These machines except the Turbo-Generator are mounted on reinforced concrete block foundations. Induced Draft (ID) Fan is a rotating...


Valve Automation with Digital Technology

Valves commonly used in process industry are either pneumatically operated or electrically operated depending on the availability of instrument air/power at that location and its application. The control and monitoring of the valves shall...