Page 2 - TCExpessions 2019
P. 2


                                             cover sTory
          03  Reflections

          04  coveR stoRy
              Saving the environment, one
              project at a time

          12  technovation
              Electric Vehicles – Charging up
              for the future
                                             TechnovaTion                      Tce Buzz
          14  tce Buzz
              Latest happenings at TCE

          20  PRoject highlights
              Project wins / updates at TCE

          28  tce tRiumPhs
              Awards and recognitions for TCE

                                             ProjecT hiGhLiGhTs                Tce TriumPhs
          30  tcendeavouR
              Care | Share | Restore


                                                        dear Readers,

                                                        This edition of TCExpression, Saving the Environment,
                                                        one project at a time, explores the importance of being
                                                        environmentally responsible and showcases a few TCE projects
                                                        that have made an impact. As we enter the new decade, this
                                                        last issue of 2019 summarises events and happenings @TCE
                                                        last year. Here’s wishing our readers a very, very happy and
                                                        prosperous New Year.
                                                        Happy Reading!
                      Volume 57, Issue 1 - December 2019
                                                        alpna singh
                                 For restricted circulation
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