Page 19 - TCExpression | Tata cunsulting engineers limited
P. 19
Technovation 19
Challenges and solutions
Wind Load seismic Load Detailing of reinforcement in
main cores and connection to
Relatively high code prescribed To be designed for Zone IV in place other cross shear walls and outer
wind speed of basic wind velocity of moderate seismicity region core in base are improvised to
of 50m/s (3 second gust, 50 years specified as Zone III. absorb and transfer forces very
return period) and the statue effectively with incorporation of
being a relatively low-mass (mostly Followed structural parameters boundary elements.
hollow) structure with a large wind used for Narmada Dam.
sail area. Configuration of coupling wall
ToTaL sTaTue HeigHT
Inclusion of damper (near the head 182 metres from base of pedestal connecting both the cores
with changes in detailing of
of the statue) to control sway.
to top of statue preferred. reinforcement for better and
effective structural behaviour.
Perforated panels around chest Height of pedestal and connection
area to reduce wind pressure. with cross shear walls for effective Configuration of steel framing
structural system. to support bronze façade was
Structural steel frame with natural/ improved to handle large
weathering steel cladding finish. sLender sTrucTure cantilever under higher forces at
Walking pose for wider base to Small base, exposed feet (most large heights.
increase support. large statues have a wide base
for stability). Statue base and statue structural
system and detailing were
Aspect ratio (height/width) is ~19, improvised for transfer forces
exceeding common tall structures effectively to foundation and to
(8-14 maximum). impart additional redundancy into
the structure under all worst load
VaLue addiTion by Tce combination with alternate load
paths under accidental loads case.
Foundation thickness originally
proposed is increased by Torsion slab connecting cores at
4 metres around core areas where different levels are also improvised
concentrations of forces were to handle torsion effectively
significant under severe load under wind or seismic impact of
combination. different directions.