Page 34 - TCExpression | Tata cunsulting engineers limited
P. 34


          One Tata–kerala flood

          Relief Initiative

                 he first batch of Tata Volunteers set out
                 immediately after the floods toward the end of
         T August.  TCE’s Santhosh along with volunteers
          from other Tata companies and the Tata Disaster Response
          Project Managers were on ground zero in the most
          affected regions - Wayanad, Idukki (Kerala) & Kodagu   camps. Taking a One Tata approach, all Tata companies
          (Karnataka). For TCE’s M Santhosh, this was an exercise   pooled in resources and volunteers to carry out relief
          into the unknown, as he trekked through difficult   and rehabilitation work in Kodagu, Karnataka and Kerala.
          terrain to distribute relief materials, take a survey of the   TCE contributed to the relief measures with a cash
          damage for future planning, etc. Presently, he is back to   donation, employees volunteered a day’s salary to the
          the comforts of his home and work. He had this to say   cause and volunteers pitched in during the relief phase.
          about the experience.
                                                              As the Disaster Management operations move to the
          The floods in Kerala was the worst of its kind with a death   rehabilitation phase, TCE will continue to contribute by
          toll of about 417 people, 8.69 lakh people in 2,287 relief   providing required engineering services.

              Volunteering with The Disaster Response team was one of the best moments of my life. Being able to reach
              out where nobody cares to go, I went into distant tribal settlements navigating hours through dense forest
              with a slight fear in me with no knowledge of how they would react to us as no one had reached them for over
              a week; it changed the way my thoughts are of such settlements now. I think we have many humane values
              that we could learn from them–Fairness, equability, lack of slightest greed, level headedness, happiness to
              help others with whatever they have and co-exist. To see the smile and sense of relief when we bring help to
              isolated tribal settlements in deep forest area is a life time enriching experience in the true sense.

              - Santhosh M.
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