Page 11 - TCExpessions 2019
P. 11

Cover Story             11

            Sustainable construction: Leading the way

            The United Nations expects the world’s population   Crucially, the Conseil International du Bâtiment
            to increase by 2 billion to touch 9.7 billion by   (CIB) identified seven principles of sustainable
            2050. Imagine the cities, homes, offices, factories,   construction in 1994. These include reducing resource
            markets, health facilities and transportation     consumption, reusing resources, using recyclable
            networks that will have to be built to sustain    resources, protecting nature, eliminating toxins,
            this growth. Naturally, this will entail enormous   applying life-cycle costing and focusing on quality.
            amounts of construction. But construction is one of
            the most resource-intensive industries globally as   TCE believes that structural engineers must adopt
            it consumes fast-depleting natural resources and   these principles from the design stage itself to
            causes pollution and global warming, leading to   promote sustainable construction. The first step is the
            irreversible climate change.                      choice of construction materials, chiefly concrete and
                                                              steel. While both have good strength and durability,
            According to the World Green Building Council,    global cement production accounts for 8% of annual
            the built environment is responsible for almost   carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and steel production
            40% of global carbon emissions. Of this, 30% is   is energy-intensive.
            embodied carbon emissions released during the
            manufacturing, transportation and construction    Hence, construction companies are looking at re-using
            phases of a building while the rest is due to the   concrete as crushed sub-base today. TCE believes it
            building’s operations. It is estimated that buildings   can also reduce cement use – and therefore emissions
            account for 40% of the global energy demand, over   -- by mixing fly ash with it. Besides, bolted steel
            10% of the world’s freshwater withdrawals and 25%   construction can reduce welding and hence, the
            of the wood harvest.                              energy consumed during construction. Bolted steel
                                                              also requires less energy while demolishing existing
            TCE believes that the need of the hour is         structures.
            sustainable construction. The United Nation
            World Commission of Environment and               TCE’s focus is thus on designing adaptable structures
            Development (WCED-1987) has defined this          that are long-lasting to reduce the need for new
            as “development that meets the needs of the       construction. Importantly, it is taking the lead in
            present without compromising the ability of       spreading awareness of the sustainable principles of
            future generations to meet their own needs” in its   construction by demonstrating their implementation
            Brundtland Report.                                in its practice across the country.

          sewerage system that saw most of the city’s waste flow   and bio dosing to treat the wastewater and to reduce
          into the lake. TCE accordingly designed and executed   sludge in the lake.
          the master plan for a sewerage system for Bikaner
          under the Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development   TCE commissioned the project in less than eight
          Project, funded by the Asian Development Bank. This   months, and its wastewater treatment plant treats
          won it an Excellence in Infrastructure award in the Best   1.5 million litres per day today. Subsequently, it has
          Design Project category in 2011. The once degraded lake   designed three other lake rejuvenation projects, which
          has been restored and beautified today.             are under tender, besides preparing the project reports
                                                              for several other such lakes under the Raipur Smart
          Similarly, TCE has now completed the purification and   City Project.
          bioremediation of Telibandha Talab and other lakes in
          Raipur under the Smart City Mission. Telibandha Talab   This is only the beginning. Given its commitment to
          had turned into a dumpsite for MSW. The company     achieving sustainability and its numerous projects
          partnered with the National Environmental Engineering   in areas from emission controls to sustainable urban
          Research Institute to deploy the latter’s patented   development, TCE’s efforts will go a long way in helping
          phytoremediation technology using floating rafters   India achieve its SDG goals. n
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