Page 8 - TCExpessions 2019
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be disposed in a scientific way. Solid Waste Management
BAPL — A ‘sustainable’ (SWM) Rules 2016 promote the use of incineration
success story technology to dispose of municipal solid waste.
Indian cities are sorely lacking when it comes to water TCE has designed the first waste-to-energy (WtE) project
and wastewater management. While demand is rising, in Mumbai, which will come up at the Deonar landfill run
potable water sources are finite and located far away by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM).
from the cities, necessitating large capital investment. The WtE plant, which will process 600 TPD of MSW, is
On the other hand, unplanned disposal of wastewater unique given that the Deonar site is located close to
has led to severe contamination of groundwater and high-density human habitation and hence requires high
surface water bodies. environmental and social sensitivities, apart from meeting
regulatory requirements for waste disposal. Thus, TCE’s
Sustainable development is thus the need of the design entails very high levels of emission controls
hour. TCE has shown the way here with its integrated and monitoring.
water supply, sewerage and stormwater management
plan for a 1,700-acre township set up by Bengal The plant is based on incineration technology, which
Aerotropolis Pvt Ltd (BAPL) near Durgapur in West reduces solid waste volume by about 90%, thus reducing
Bengal. This has not only made the township’s water the land required for disposing of MSW. Besides, harmful
resources sustainable but also resulted in Rs 17.6 greenhouse gases generated from unscientific dumping
crore of savings in capital costs that would have been are eliminated and the leachate is also treated and reused
otherwise required for creating new water assets. in the plant.
The project is at various stages of construction but TCE has also used its engineering expertise to overcome
has already delivered huge benefits. Since the existing other challenges at Deonar. For instance, it has carved
water sources were insufficient to meet the BAPL out the WtE plant’s site outside the Coastal Regulation
township’s demand and huge investments would Zone area on which a large part of the landfill site
have been needed for a new water system from the falls, to overcome developmental restrictions. It has
river source, TCE proposed the use of fresh water for also mastered the technological constraints posed by
potable use and treated sewage for non-potable use. the existing dumpsite in laying the foundation and
This has brought down the township’s overall water constructing the plant.
demand by 57% and reduced the water requirement
from fresh water sources. What’s more, the complete TCE has completed a detailed project report and tender
reuse of treated sewage water also means there’s zero documents for the Deonar WtE plant and expects MCGM
discharge today. to award the work to the successful bidder soon.
That’s not all. The township will also harvest 800 Meanwhile, the company is on track to complete a Rs
million litres of rainwater with TCE’s storm water 280-crore WtE plant with a capacity to process 1200 TPD
management plan, which includes the preservation waste and generate 15 MW power in Vishakhapatnam
of 22 existing lakes, digging of new wells and de- for the Swachh Andhra Corporation. TCE is the
bottlenecking the Tamla Nallah. This will, in turn, independent engineer for the plant, which will cater to
recharge ground water resources. Thus, with TCE’s the requirements of 110 urban local bodies, including
expertise, sustainable development is no longer a 13 municipal corporations and 17 municipal councils, in
pipedream for the BAPL township today. Andhra Pradesh. Around 80% of the project is already
complete, and the plant is scheduled for commercial
operation by June 2020.
Concept for Water Management
DEmAND Every drop counts
The recent water crisis faced by cities like Johannesburg
PoTABLE and Chennai is only a harbinger of the water woes that
USE & human habitations across the globe are expected to face,
going forward. Hence, the UN’s SDG of clean water and
sanitation assumes critical importance.
Rainwater WASTE
Harvesting WATER