Page 17 - TCExpessions 2019
P. 17
TCE Buzz
TCE Buzz 17
27 national symposium on cryogenics and superconductivity
at IIT-Bombay
he Indian Cryogenic Council jointly with IIT Bombay work in the form of invited talks, contributed lectures and
Torganised the 27 National Symposium on Cryogenics poster presentations.
and Superconductivity (NSCS) at IIT Bombay campus
in January 2019. TCE was one of the sponsors. This The symposium provided a platform for young researchers,
symposium provided an opportunity for professionals scientists and technologists to interact closely with the
to discuss the latest trends and activities in the field of experts and practising engineers from a diverse background.
Cryogenics and Superconductivity. Participants from all TCE is currently involved in providing engineering services
over the country presented their most recent research to ISRO on cryogenic engine test facility.
Conference on water supply
r Dilip Ganpatrao Sonwane, Group Sector Head of Technology (VNIT) Nagpur. Mr Sonwane spoke on
M– Built Environment, TCE, participated in a two Leakage Management for Intermittent Water Supplies.
days Conference on Improved Water supply organised The outcomes of this workshop may feed into the revised
by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mumbai, CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply and Treatment. CPHEEO
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute also recently released the Manual on Storm Water
(NEERI) Nagpur and Visvesvaraya National Institute Management.