Page 36 - TCExpression | Colours of Tata at TCE
P. 36


                                                   CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITy


                                                        Innovative                                  Remedial
            Self defense                                                       Youth
              training             Field trip        candle making          employability           classes at
                                                       techniques                                  St. Patricks

               84                   144                                                               35

               Women               Specially abled       126                   501                 Underprivileged
              employees              children             Students              Students              children

                            HEALTH & HyGIENE                                       OTHER ACTIVITIES

                                    Waste             Awareness                  Kids             Visit to an
           Blood donated        management           on health &              Activities           Old Age
                                 techniques           sanitation                                    Home

               353                 310                   80                    286                   55

                Bottles          People sensitized      Women                   Children           Senior citizens

        HIGHLIGHTS OF Fy17-18

                30           Programs            655          Volunteers        9371.25         Person hours

           ViSiT TO AN OlD AgE hOME                            REMEDiAl ClASSES AT ST. PATRiCkS
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40