Page 70 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
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21  Annual Report 2019-20

          Health and Hygiene                                  CSR Grants for Research Programs

              2,508                                               3

              Tribals Benefitted                                  Institutional Tie-ups

         This year we commenced a focused Health & Hygiene    As part of CSR, we have engaged with Academia in the
         program in the villages of Khoripada, Dapti, Malghar   following areas:
         and Hateri where we are also engaged in providing
         sustainable livelihood means to the community.       •  Laboratory Support for Supercritical Carbon
                                                                 Dioxide Thermal Cycle at Inter-disciplinary Centre
         The objective of the program is to provide quality      for Energy Research with IISc Bangalore – This lab
         preventive, promotive and curative health services      supports the development of technology that uses
         through training of Health workers, Community           CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) with Super-critical
         awareness and Health Screening.                         CO2 thermal cycle.

         We also promoted linkages with existing Government   •  Large Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Power
         hospitals & Health schemes to make these programs       with IISc Bangalore – Integration of large-scale
         effective and sustainable. We studied key factors       solar power with the grid will result in grid stability
         affecting the health of the community and worked on     issues, and this study finds the scale at which this
         bringing behavioural and lifestyle changes through      happens and the remedial measures.
         training and awareness workshops.  This year, we
         conducted eight health camps, three training sessions   •  Digital Twins for Mechanical Components with IIT
         of Health workers and ten community awareness           Bombay – This project aims to combine physics-
         programs.                                               based models with real-time data analytics and
                                                                 machine learning to predict the behaviour of
                                                                 mechanical components.

                                                              Employee Volunteering



                                                              Our corporate volunteering efforts cover varied
                                                              initiatives across locations like:
                                                              •  Blood donation drives
                                                              •  Drawing & poster competitions for kids
                                                              •  Eye Check-Up for children
                                                              •  Best out of waste activity
                                                              •  Preparation of Learning aids and posters for Door
                                                                 Step School
                                                              •  Corona Virus Awareness
                                                              •  Shop and Smile
                                                              •  Tree plantation
                                                              •  Yoga training
                                                              •  Flood Relief
                                                              •  Cleanliness Drives
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