Page 43 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 43

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

        AREAS OF EXPERTISE                                     KEY TRENDS SHAPING THE INDUSTRY:

        Water and Environment:                                    An ever-increasing focus from the Government on

            Engineering solutions in water, wastewater management,   the need for nationwide infrastructure and National
            desalination, stormwater drainage, irrigation projects,   Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) has been formulated for
            and partnering with water conservation and leakage   different industry domains.
            management authorities.                               With an upward trend in urbanisation and the need for
                                                                 sustainable infrastructure, many medium to large-sized
            Solid waste management, Waste to Energy Projects, EIA,
            EMP                                                  greenfield townships/affordable housing schemes are
                                                                 planned in many Tier-II and Tier-III cities and up-gradation
            Underground tunnels for water supply and wastewater   of existing infrastructure in Metro cities.
                                                                  The introduction of ‘Make in India’ and ‘Production Linked
            Improvement of Water Distribution for reducing Non-  Incentive (PLI)’ schemes will push new industries and
            Revenue Water                                        Logistic Parks to set up pan India. TCE will leverage its

            Water & Energy Audit                                 innovation excellence and project expertise to establish
                                                                 enduring relationships to stay relevant amid a rapidly
            Managing and improvising environment ventures such   changing world.
            as heritage conservation, rainwater harvesting, pollution
            control, biodiversity conservation.                   Expand its presence in metro rail services, ports, river
                                                                 interlinkages and transportation; and look for assignments
        Built Environment:                                       in Data Centres and assignments of Ministry of Defence.

            Building a city with complete infrastructure  planning,       Exploration of partnerships or collaborations for high-speed
            design and commissioning offerings                   rail networks.

            Providing engineering solution for large capacity industrial       As the population grows with urbanisation and
            units and manufacturing facilities                   industrialisation, more efficient transportation services are
                                                                 in high demand, mainly mass commuting services Intra &
            Leveraging 3D platform for Engineering Model of complex   Intercity.
                                                                  Due to extreme weather conditions and high water stress
            Developing nationwide institutional infrastructure   levels, there is a growing demand around identifying
            Infrastructure development for Projects of National   alternate water sources and efficient distribution of good
            importance                                           quality water in towns and cities. The role of private players
                                                                 in the water industry is expanding, panning out a wide
            Green Buildings solutions
                                                                 range of opportunities for smart water management,
                                                                 alternative water sources - desalinisation and water reuse/
            Designing standalone urban transport infrastructure       The company is also keenly exploring establishing a sizable
            including airports, rail systems and ports.
                                                                 footprint in Defence and Data Centres
            Development and commissioning support in connecting
            tech cities and large SEZ spaces. KEY TRENDS SHAPING

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