Page 26 - TCExpression TATA Consulting Engineers Limited
P. 26


          Livelihood interventions

                     ith little to no income generation
                     opportunities, the villagers were
         W migrating to the city to earn their living.
          In the last year, these families were provided income
          generating on support. Families with their own lands
          were engaged in floriculture and wadi (tree based)
          farming. With TCE’s support the villagers have jasmine
          and mango plantations, which would give them both
          long term and short term income. They are regularly
          given training to maintain and care for the plantation.
          For the landless farmers, alternative earnings are
          facilitated through backyard poultry and dry fish
          selling venture. The entire village hopes to       Poultry, Dry Fish sale –
          generate sustainable income to support them        5 families
          through the year.

          governance and Community Building

              n addition to these major interventions, it is important   Training and Awareness
              build capacity of the villagers to adapt to these
         I rapid changes and interventions. A village planning   R   egular training and exposure visits help the villagers
          committee for farmers, women’s SHG and youth SHG have      in crop yield, farming and governance of SHG.
          been formed. They are given the necessary training to
          build a community mindset that works towards the
          village development.
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