Page 6 - TATA Consulting Engineers Limited | The Gamsberg Mine Story
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               Steel Metal & Mining

                     Case Study

                     Mining & beneficiation solutions for zinc mine in South Africa

                     The world’s largest and developed zinc deposit
                     site was discovered over 30 years ago but
                     remained unexcavated due to its viability. TCE’s
                     SMM business unit provided detailed feasibility
                     studies and provided solutions to turn around
                     the mine with a three-pronged solution.

                     1)  The prime challenge was the complexity
                     of the terrain. The ore itself was positioned
                     at a depth of 200 metres the two-year capex
                     expenditure for excavation to get to the ore
                     made the project unviable.

                     Solution: SMM applied mine planning
                     software and geomodelling systems to
                     determine the mining techniques relevant
                     to the terrain. This helped to get to the ore
                     in a cost-effective manner.                       operation strategies to extract high zinc
                                                                       concentrate and separate the manganese
                     2)  The rich deposit of zinc, concentrated        concentrate.  This made the zinc ore a
                     as it were, was low grade zinc and high in        profitable product.
                     manganese content.
                                                                       3)  regulatory standards imposed a penalty
                     Solution: TCE provided solutions to apply         for manganese dump which affected the
                     mineral beneficiation techniques and              margins severely.

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