Page 19 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 19
he energy requirements and growth of the This has led to a substantial reduction in investment
civilisation flourished through fossil fuels since for thermal power plants. Due to cheaper renewable
Tthe Industrial Revolution era reaching its pinnacle sources and rising climate concerns, globally, the
at the end of the 20th century. Subsequently, fossil thermal power plants (predominantly coal-based) are
fuel usage in power generation started declining and losing visibility.
expected to settle almost at the installed capacity
levels globally. The depleting fuel sources, difficulty
securing long-term fuel supply agreements and ever-
growing concerns of emissions and its impact on global
warming from the release of greenhouse gases have led
to this movement.
The renewable penetration
The drive to shift from fossil fuel-based power
generation increased when the entire global in the grid, five states of India
community agreed to commit for limiting the global (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu,
warming to well below 2°C under Paris agreement, on Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh
December 12th, 2015. Experts and the policymakers and Gujarat)
believe that this can only be achieved with significant face significant system
decarbonisation of energy system over the long run.
integration challenges,
It is expected that the implementation of the Paris as solar and wind shares
Agreement will lead to the retirement of 80 per cent rise above 15%.
of the thermal power plant, globally by 2030. Further,
falling of renewable energy prices and rising public
resistance to set-up thermal power plants have also
led to increased renewable capacity additions, forcing
existing plants to operate at lower plant load factors,
leading to reduced profits, forcing the private sector
(IPP) exit.
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