Page 20 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 20

In India, renewable energies, especially wind and solar   There is a diverse range of strategies that can make
        technology, efficiency improvement measures, and      existing conventional power plants more flexible. CEA
        how the existing power plant operates, are playing a   has developed a road map for flexibilisation of thermal
        fundamental role in reaching this goal. To achieve these   power plants, which underlines the importance of ramp
        carbon-free energy targets, Government of India plans   rate (not a challenging factor, however, need to improve
        to install 175 GW renewable energy with a daily net   at least 1%/minute), financial framework (compensation
        load swing of up to 80 GW by March 2022.              for the increase in Capex and Opex due to change in
                                                              the operating scenario) and revision of Grid Codes in
        As per NITI Aayog, the total primary energy will      terms of tariff structure. Considering this, there will be
        increase almost three times between 2017 and 2042,    a considerable investment to develop thermal power
        equivalent to an annual growth rate of approximately   plants to operate up to 30 to 40% load flexibly.
        4%. However, coal will continue to remain predominant
        among all other commercial sources of energy in India.   The other major factor for flexible operation of the
        Considering the scale of demand in the country and    grid is the operational philosophy (start-up and ramp-
        abundant availability coal, it will remain the primary   up characteristics) of the power plant. Gas-based
        source for generating electricity, followed by hydro, gas,  combined cycle power plant with its high operationally
        nuclear, and renewable energy.                        flexible (high ramp rates & low start-up time) can suffice
                                                              this requirement. The latest Indian grid code for RGMO
        However, coal usage will gradually transition towards   (Restricted Governor mode of operation) mandates a
        clean coal technologies like supercritical (SC), and   speedy and sustainable response to the grid frequency
        ultra-supercritical (USC) power plants, which will reflect   fluctuations. Providing the primary frequency response
        in higher efficiency, more considerable power from coal   will improve the grid stability, during daily load swing
        with lesser coal consumption. Moreover, as compared   when renewables enter the grid. As per CEA, the
        to other fuels like oil and natural gas, which are mainly   required ramp rate in 2022 is 217 MW/min. (down) &
        imported due to limited domestic resource availability,   220MW/min (up).
        coal is available domestically in abundance. The older
        and smaller thermal power plants will retire and get   The typical ramp rates of various type of units in India
        replaced by larger SC / USC thermal power plants.     are depicted below.

        Further with the renewable penetration in the grid,
        five states of India (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan,               Ramp Rate (Load per minute)
        Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat) face significant system   25%
        integration challenges, as solar and wind shares rise   20%
        above 15%.                                            15%

        More states will experience higher shares of variable   10%
        renewables, as solar power will be available during   5%
        daytime and only when the sun is shining; and wind
        power is also dependent only when the wind blows.     0%
                                                                                               Coal based
                                                                                      Coal based
        All these conditions create newer challenges and             Nuclear  Combined  Power Plant  Power Plant  Simple Cycle
                                                                                                        Power Plant
        require significant change to the operation of the            Plant  Power Plant  Super  Sub Critical
        thermal power plants. This will create an opportunity                          Critical
        for flexibility in the thermal power plant’s operation and   Source: Gathered from various operating plant information
        cleaner energy mix.

        Considering the thermal power plant’s percentage in   It may be noted that a simple cycle power plant has
        the Indian power system, thermal power plants are the   the highest ramp rate followed by a combined cycle
        predominant source for the system flexibility. With its   power plant (CCPP) and coal-based power plant. The
        operating flexibility and lower loads and ramping rate,   gas power plant in priority can support the daily swings
        these plants can accommodate supply and demand        as they possess higher ramping characteristics than the
        variability and uncertainty.                          coal-based power plant.

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