Page 25 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 25

However, this role will be dependent on the          Following hydrogen-based technologies are
            regional availability of high-quality scrap. Therefore,   promising and will have a huge impact once made
            it could be limited in regions with an inadequate    commercially viable:
            supply of high-quality scrap, making other
            technologies a must.                                  HYBRIT: Direct reduction of iron into steel using
                                                                 hydrogen and renewable energy generates water as
            Increasing demand for high-quality scrap will also   a by-product instead of carbon dioxide.
            lead to extra cost for EAF-based steel production.
                                                                  COURSE-50: This involves reforming coke oven
            Transition to gas-based DR-EAF route                 gas using catalysts and utilising unused heat to
            Another matured alternative is the gas-based DRI     increase its hydrogen content (from 55% to 67%).
            EAF route. In case a carbon-neutral reduction gas    This hydrogen-enriched gas is then used for the
            is used, such as green hydrogen, the steelmaking     reduction of iron ore in the blast furnace.
            process can be mostly carbon-neutral and fueled by
            renewable electricity in the DR-EAF route.            SUS STEEL: Based on hydrogen-based DR-EAF steel
                                                                 making (Hydrogen Plasma Smelting Reduction:
            Currently, Iron ore can be reduced to iron           HPSR process).
            by reduction with Natural Gas (NG). NG can            SALCOS: The SALCOS technology uses hydrogen-
            play an interim role in the transition phase by      based DR-EAF steel making
            implementing the DR/EAF production route.
                                                                  FLASH OXIDE SMELTING: The process would use
            DRI-EAF route based on NG would result in a ~40%     inexpensive NG (or hydrogen) to heat the ore and
            CO2 emission reduction compared to the BF-BOF        remove oxygen, in converting the ore into metal.
            route. In the long term, use of green hydrogen in
            place of NG will lead towards carbon neutrality.   Technologies for Carbon Capture,
            However, this is mainly dependent on the          Utilisation/ Storage (CCU/S)
            availability of required gases.

            Biomass reductants
            This process uses biomass, such as heated and
            dried sugar, energy cane, or pyrolysed eucalyptus,
            as an alternative reductant or fuel. It is regionally
            dependent and mainly crucial in areas where the
            biomass supply is guaranteed, like in South America
            or Russia.

            In Europe, biomass availability is likely not enough
            to reduce carbon emissions on a large scale. This is
            used as reductant and may replace coal.

            Use of Hydrogen in Blast Furnace
            Hydrogen reduction is not yet proven at industrial
            scale and is currently more expensive than the    In addition to the above shift in energy systems,
            BF-BOF route. However, it also depends on the     carbon dioxide capture with permanent sequestration
            availability of hydrogen.                         (CCS) / viable utilisation (CCU) prepares to play a
                                                              significant role in defining the future energy systems.
            Green Hydrogen generation requires intensive      New technologies such as the HIsarna process generate
            renewable electrical energy, and with the         CO  rich emissions for economic capture other than
            availability of economical solar & wind power, green   20% emission reduction by replacing Coke making and
            hydrogen is expected to be affordable by 2030.
                                                              agglomeration processes. However, the commercial
                                                              transformation will require time.

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