Page 29 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 29

Government Policies and Regulations                   Current Challenges

        Since independence, both Central and State            Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses in
        governments have supported electrical sector with     Distribution are as high as 35%, which are much higher
        various schemes and initiatives to improve the overall   than those in any developed country. Increasing share
        health of Discoms but with limited success. This has   of renewable generations in the grid has impacted the
        resulted in a resource drain on the Indian economy.   traditional approach of Distribution system operation.

        The Electricity Act-2003, National Electricity Policy-2005   The power generated from wind and solar plants is
        and National Tariff Policy-2006 have vastly helped    intermittent in nature and difficult to schedule firm
        improve the Indian power sector. The key initiatives/   power. To take care of these variations, distribution
        programs in Distribution sectors such as Accelerated   utilities will tie-up with additional peaking generating
        Power Development Reforms Program (APDRP)2002         stations with high variable cost.
        and Restructured Accelerated Power Development
        and Reforms Program (R-APDRP) 2008 have primarily     The use of gas-based peaking generating stations for
        focused on improving necessary infrastructure, and    balancing purpose is uneconomical as it increases the
        IT-enabled services of Discoms.                       power purchase cost of distribution licensees.

        National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM) 2012, Deendayal    The decentralised market structure provides individual
        Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY)2014, Pradhan     distribution entities to be more responsive in
        Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (SAUBHAGYA) 2017,   complying with grid discipline rules of balancing their
        Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana) scheme – (UDAY) 2015   generation and demand. The regulation has mandated
        are focused on meeting the goal of “Power to All”. All   volume limits on over drawl and under-drawl of
        the schemes aim to ensure availability of 24×7 power   electricity.
        at an affordable price and improve the financial health
        and operational efficiency of Discom.                 Distribution utilities are severely affected due to
                                                              these grid discipline rules and pay a hefty penalty. In
        In 2020, to revive the health of ailing Discoms a     the coming decade, the need to modernise the grid
        significant financial intervention by GOI, Rs 1,20,000   will help the utilities meet the challenge of handling
        Cr would be infused through PFC and REC. The Draft    projected energy needs while maintaining a robust and
        Amendment Bill proposes Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)   resilient electricity delivery system.
        for the economic viability of Discoms. Now, State Govt.
        can directly pay to end consumer under
        Direct Benefit Transfer and linking smart meters to      TCE with its vast experience in
        provide DBT to consumers.                                the power industry is all poised
                                                                 to take up the challenges and
        The government is continuously evolving various
        policies and regulations to bring commercial viability   provide solutions to Discoms to
        for Discoms. As in Delhi and Orissa’s case, the Private   improve the overall performance
        players are encouraged through multiple models such      in the areas such as Due diligence,
        as Public Private Participation (PPP).                   AT&C loss minimisation studies,

        In Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh         smart metering infrastructure,
        input-based distribution franchisee models are           digitisation, utility‑scale battery
        being considered. In May 2020, GoI announced that        energy storage system, renewable
        the Centre would privatise the power distribution        integration and IT‑enabled services
        companies in Union Territories (UT). This will bring     to the distribution utilities across the
        private sector investment and result in improved
        operational efficiency, better service to consumers and   country.
        financial health of Discoms in UTs.

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