Page 31 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
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Fuelling A
Powerful India Kakrapar Atomic Power Project (KAPP – 3 & 4)
Building “Brand India” on a global stage TCE has been continuously working for DAE and its
various units for the past four decades in engineering
uclear power generation plays a vital role in nuclear power projects and associated infrastructure
India’s energy security and energy transition facilities. TCE’s rich engineering experience covers
Naspirations. India started its Nuclear energy complete plant engineering for nuclear power projects
program soon after independence by setting up the with boiling water reactors, pressurised heavy water
Indian Atomic Energy Commission in 1948 (Today’s reactors and fast breeder reactors (Fig.1). Also, TCE
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)), pursuing has extensive experience and capability to engineer
relentlessly to empower India with high technology and nuclear fuel processing, fuel fabrication and waste
advanced scientific research in the nuclear field. management facilities.
DAE has an ambitious plan, which puts India on a high
pedestal in the global arena.
Nuclear Power Plants - Engineering Capability
Reactor Power
Cooling Systems Conventional Entire Plant
Calandria, End Shield, Auxiliary
Active Process Water, SFSB Systems Systems
Civil & Balance of Entire Plant
Entire Plant Structural REACTOR Plant (Sea water intake/ Outfall,
CWS, Water Treatment &
Systems / SYSTEMS Distribution, Galleries, Outside
Piping Systems Services)
Compressed Air, Chilled Water, Common Entire Plant
Service Water, DM Water, Fire I&C (Incl. Power Evacuation and
Protection, HVAC Services Systems System Studies)
Special Capabilities
1. Integrated 3D/4D Engineering 2. Fire Hazard Anaysis 3. Plant Layout Studies 4. Advance Analysis (FEA/CFD/Blast Analysis)
5. Special component Design (Fuelling machine) 6. Industrial Automation & Remote Handling
Fig. 1: TCE’s Nuclear Engineering Capability
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