Page 35 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 35


                               IN ENERGY TRANSITION

        The energy industry is going through a significant    with many unpredicted, devastating climate events
        transformation with Decarbonisation, Decentralisation   worldwide. Considering the need for firm action to limit
        and Digitalisation (3Ds) as central themes around this   global warming, Paris summit on Climate Change in
        transition. It is touching every entity in the value chain;   2015 reaffirmed the global warming target of 1.5ºC w.r.t
        from energy-producing companies to the last mile      base reference and legally binding agreement came
        consumers. The clean energy drive originates from the   into existence with acceptance of 195 countries.
        efforts to contain GHG emissions as part of the global
        climate change initiative. Digitalisation complements        1%                   2%
        this drive by technologically enabling the transition.
        Decentralised production and energy consumption                           6%
        would significantly help reduce transmission losses                             11%         Energy, N2O
        and improve access to quality energy. The change is                                         F-Gas
        visible in energy production, consumption and the                GLOBAL                     Non- Energy,N2O
        way it is transmitted and distributed. Digitalisation              GHG             8%       Non- Energy, CH4
        would accelerate each step of the transition by making   66%   EMISSIONS                    Non- Energy, CO 2
        them more efficient, flexible and reliable. Industry 4.0                          6%        Energy, CH4
        technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial                                       Energy, CO 2
        Intelligence (AI) /Machine Learning (ML) can improve
        the efficiency of plants/industries and reduce fossil fuel
        consumption. This article covers the impact of Industry
        4.0 technologies and digitalisation on energy transition.        Source: WEF, Energy Transition 101, July 2020
                                                                                     Fig. 1
        Decarbonisation for Existence of

        Humanity                                              Significant technological and policy-related
                                                              interventions are in various implementation stages to
        The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change         reduce emission levels and achieve carbon neutrality by
        (IPCC) of UN estimated that the human activities are   2050. The energy sector is the major contributor to GHG
        responsible for about 1ºC of global warming by 2030   emissions. It corresponds to about 73% of the overall
        w.r.t the pre-industrial levels and are likely to reach 1.5º C   GHG emissions globally. Hence, a continued focus on
        by 2050 if the current activity levels continue. Global   the energy sector is essential to reduce emission levels.
        warming effects are visible in the past couple of years   And about 66% of it is CO  emissions.  Refer Fig. -1.

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