Page 38 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
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There are micro/ point solutions that run on open     Digitalisation for Decentralisation
        architecture and focus on specific process or equipment
        issues. Such point solutions can be implemented       Decentralised energy generation and distribution
        quickly and independently as required in a plant to   would be sustainable only if stable quality power
        take advantage of time and cost. Most of such point   supply can be ensured. The variability in generation and
        solutions are cloud or edge deployable and are offered   demand, continuous monitoring requirement, lack of
        in Software as a Service (SaaS) model.                technical skill, etc. are challenging such decentralised
                                                              mini-grids’ stability. The digital tools are handy to
        An example of a point solution related to pump        manage this situation. Remote monitoring through
        performance monitoring and diagnostics is given       cellular communication, smart sensors, AI/ML-based
        below (Fig-03). This digital tool can help the operator   self-diagnostic features and correction features etc.
                                                              are promising technologies that are being explored
        monitor the pump performance and analyse multiple     to ensure stable, quality power supply from the
        influencing parameters in near real-time to ensure    decentralised RE dominated grids.
        optimal performance levels throughout plant
        operation.                                            Digitalisation – Key Enabler for Energy


                                                              A fast-paced energy transition is the need of the hour,
                                                              and it is possible only with digital intervention. “Design
                                                              for Digitalisation” is becoming the norm for the industry
                                                              which involves ‘sensorising’ critical processes to help
                                                              build accurate digital twins, provision for big data
                                                              ingestion, and process and data-based interventions for
                                                              process optimisation. The challenges of EV dominated
                                                              future transportation system can be well managed
                                                              through the digitalisation of the vehicles and charging
                                                              infrastructure. Smart grids become an essential
                                                              component of managing the variability from RE
                                                              sources and new types of consumers like EV. Building
                                                              energy management systems is also becoming more
                                                              intelligent, efficient, and deployed at scale to aid energy
                                                              transition effort. In a nutshell, digitalisation is the most
                                                              effective enabler in the journey towards a greener

                   Courtesy : Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd
                   Fig. 3 Digital Point Solution for Pumps           Author

        Few of the capabilities of the digital tool on Real-Time      Subhramanyan E Edamana
        Monitoring and Diagnostics of Pumps are listed below         Assistant General Manager  (Digital Services-Power)
                                                                     Tata Consulting Engineers Limited (TCE)
            Anomaly detection based on historical behaviour
            Recognise deviated parameter and provide early    •   Digitalisation and Energy, IEA, 2017
            warning alerts
                                                              •   ower Plant 4.0, Embracing next gen technologies for power
            Predict the pump performance for different load      plant digitisation, Mckinsey, 2020
            conditions                                        •   How can we hasten the dawn of a future powered by
                                                                 sustainable energy, Bart Valkhof
            Provide insights into pump failures and factors   •   WEF, Energy Transition 101, July 2020
            influencing pump performance                      •   Energy Progress Report, 2019 on Sustainable Development Goal 7
                                                              •   The Paris Agreement 2015 at COP21
            Help plan the maintenance actions                 •   The World Energy Outlook 2020, IEA
                                                              •   Global EV Outlook 2019. IEA        Future of Coal, MIT
                                                              •   Power Magazine, Oct ‘18

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