Page 43 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 43

Electricity is needed as an energy input to the       In short, CCS technologies are mandatory to produce
        water electrolysis process, and electricity can be    clean Hydrogen, and renewable-based water
        economically produced using renewable sources.        electrolysis methods can become a financially attractive
        Therefore, water electrolysis using renewable energy   option for hydrogen production. This provides an
        sources can produce Hydrogen and reduce carbon        essential direction for research efforts in future for
        footprint in hydrogen production. With technological   developing hydrogen infrastructure. As Hydrogen
        advancements, electricity production costs from       is currently produced mainly in central processing
        renewables are continuously declining, and more       facilities in select industrial areas, an extensive
        capacities are being added. Due to non-availability   distribution network is needed for making it available
        of renewable sources for 24 hours in a day, electricity   across the country. Adaptation of CCS technologies
        produced from renewables often has energy storage     will also help in the nationwide spread of hydrogen
        requirements.                                         production locations and ensure Hydrogen availability.

        Hydrogen can be used for energy storage as well. There   Coal gasification process produces syngas which can
        is significant scope for setting up dedicated renewable   be used for power generation. CCS technologies are
        electricity generation facilities for environmentally   usually integrated with coal gasification units; thus, they
        clean hydrogen production and storage.                can produce clean electricity. Hydrogen production
                                                              from syngas (obtained from coal gasification) can be
        Another way of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from   enhanced using water gas shift technologies. Entire
        hydrogen production processes is carbon capture and   coal gasification unit can be further optimised and
        sequestration (CCS) technologies. Natural gas-based or   configured for a flexible switch between electricity
        coal-based hydrogen production processes can amend    generation and hydrogen production.
        the techniques to capture carbon dioxide.
                                                              Biomass is another alternative source for hydrogen
        Presently, the operating costs and CAPEX              production. However, the limited availability of biomass
        requirements for CCS technology are high due to       and higher production costs are the significant barriers
        which commercialisation of technology is yet to       to mass-scale commercial production. Considering the
        mature.  Worldwide, CCS technologies are being        difficulties in hydrogen storage and transportation due
        rigorously researched, and developed economies are    to its low molecular weight, it can also be converted
        seriously promoting research, testing, marketing and   into other chemicals such as synthetic natural gas,
        implementation at select locations.                   ammonia, jet fuel, etc. which can be used as fuels.
                                                              This may not be an economical option at current price
        Hydrogen production prices vary significantly between   levels.
        various regions due to the variable cost of resources
        used for making Hydrogen. Natural gas and coal        Hydrogen Storage
        are abundantly available at a lower price only in the
        select areas as its availability are not uniformly spread   Hydrogen has high mass-energy content but is the
        over the entire world. Similarly, costs for electricity   smallest molecule (Mol Wt. 2), it has very low volumetric
        generation vary widely between various regions.       density and low volumetric energy. This peculiar
        Raw material availability hence influences the cost   characteristic of Hydrogen poses difficulty in its
        of hydrogen production to a great extent. Hydrogen    storage.  Hydrogen is highly flammable material having
        production using natural gas without carbon capture   a relatively more extensive range of explosion limits
        technology is presently the most economical route     in air. Safety aspects thus form an integral part of the
        amongst all regions.  Cost of hydrogen production     hydrogen storage technologies.
        through the electrolysis route depends on electricity
        production costs and overall, these methods are       Hydrogen usually is available at 1 to 4 bar pressure
        currently expensive compared with the natural gas-    when produced from electrolysis route and at
        based production process without CCS. Suppose cost    roughly 20-30 bar when created from Steam Methane
        of electricity generation is between 10 US$ to 40 US$   Reforming (SMR) route. Reducing Hydrogen’s volume
        and considering full load hours of 3000 – 6000 per    for transportation is achieved by increasing its density
        annum. In that case, hydrogen production from water   by compressing Hydrogen to a higher-pressure level
        electrolysis can be cost-competitive compared to the   and then storing in pressurised cylinders before
        production based on natural gas processes with CCS.   transport.

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