Page 45 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 45

Hydrogen Distribution                                 eliminating transport cost.

        Typically, the following options are available for    For Hydrogen as transportation fuel, it is necessary to
        transportation, ensuring availability at the user point.   have a countrywide distribution network. The water
                                                              electrolysis method is most suitable for onsite hydrogen
            Gas tankers/trailers                              generation for remote areas as it is more scalable and
                                                              emission-free. Electrolyser produces a sufficiently high
            Liquified tankers/trailers                        purity (nearly 100%) Hydrogen required for hydrogen-

                                                              based vehicles. It could be cheaper to produce
            Hydrogen pipelines
                                                              Hydrogen locally in refuelling stations far away from
            Onsite production                                 central hydrogen production facilities. However, there
                                                              may be space constraints in the urban area for onsite
        Gaseous Hydrogen can be transported in medium         hydrogen production.
        quantities in pressurised gas containers by road tankers.
        The hydrogen storage capacity of road tankers depends   Various issues for hydrogen transportation and
        on storage pressure and materials of construction of   associated challenges are presented in Table 2 below.
        road tanker. Compressed Hydrogen is generally shipped
        in road tankers at pressures up to 200-250 bars. In India,   Transportation  Issues  Challenges
        gaseous Hydrogen is transported using road tankers     Mode
        having pressures up to 172 bar.
                                                               Pressurised                   Manufacturing of
        Liquefaction of hydrogen results in a significant      Container or    Low capacity  indigenous onboard
        increase in its energy density enabling transportation   Cylinders                   cylinders, reduction
        of large quantities using road tankers or ships. Due to                              in material weight
        the density difference in the gaseous and liquid phase,                              Development
        liquid hydrogen road trucks can carry approximately                                  of indigenous
        ten times more Hydrogen than the pressurised           Cryogenic Road  Liquefaction   cryogenic road
        transport mode.  For longer distance distribution,     Tankers         costs         tankers and
        liquified hydrogen transport is usually more cost-                                   boil-off gas
        effective as it can significantly hold more Hydrogen                                 management
        than a pressurised gas tank. Liquefaction requires
        more energy and higher capital costs compared to the                   Safety such   Reduction in
        pressurised mode.                                      Pipelines       as leak       costs associated
                                                                               detection     with materials of
        Hydrogen produced at any central processing facility                                 construction
        can be transported to user point directly through
        pipelines. Pipeline transport mode is a technologically                              Reduction in the
        sophisticated method, and it’s the most efficient      Onsite          Economical    costs of electricity
        method of hydrogen transportation in large quantities.   Production    technology    and electrolyser
        Selection of materials of construction for Hydrogen                                  cells
        requires careful attention as Hydrogen tends              Table 2: Issues with Hydrogen Transportation Methods
        embrittlement. Hydrogen is also prone for corrosion
        due to presence of an active electron of Hydrogen. The   For large-scale consumer adoption of hydrogen-based
        blending of Hydrogen with natural gas can be studied   transport vehicles, deployment of hydrogen refuelling
        further. This may help in boosting hydrogen usage.    stations (HRS) in primary markets is essential. Hydrogen
        Cost of hydrogen pipelines depends upon CAPEX for     refuelling station consists of hydrogen storage tanks,
        pipes, the compression energy costs and the available   compressors with aftercoolers, and dispensers for
        pressure limit at the source.                         delivering fuel. It is easy and fast to set up refuelling
                                                              stations. By standardising the components, refuelling
        Transmission pipelines use mild, low carbon steels as   station costs can be reduced. Hydrogen refuelling
        materials of construction.  Liquid hydrogen pipelines   stations shall be conceptualised and designed
        are expensive due to extremely low-temperature        considering the risk of fire and explosion.
        requirement. It may also be beneficial to consider onsite
        hydrogen generation using smaller-scale equipment for

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