Page 42 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 42

Instead of using Hydrogen as a pure component, it can   Future hydrogen demand and infrastructure
        be further utilised in methanol production or ammonia   development priorities mainly focus on Hydrogen’s
        production or synthetic natural gas production, which   possible widespread use in the transportation sector.
        can be used as alternative fuels.                     This suggests that research and development focus
                                                              should be developing affordable hydrogen fuel cell
        Hydrogen has a wide application range. It has created   technology to drive hydrogen growth.
        interest amongst stakeholders of several industry
        sectors such as renewable electricity, industrial gas,   Hydrogen can replace fossil fuels that are widely
        automobiles, oil and gas, steel, carbon capture, etc.    used for industrial combustion processes in furnaces
        It is not only hydrogen producers but also includes   and boilers. The hydrogen fuel cell has the potential
        those who use or could use, Hydrogen as a feedstock   to generate electricity on a small scale. It can be an
        for various industrial applications. Due to the renewed   alternative to replace diesel generators commonly used
        interest amongst different industry sectors, it has   as a source for emergency power back up in industrial,
        become imperative for the governments to create a     commercial and residential installations.
        roadmap to develop hydrogen infrastructure.
                                                              Hydrogen Production
        Hydrogen can be helpful in various ways to achieve
        energy security.  Hydrogen can be integrated into     Currently, most of the Hydrogen (75%) produced
        the electricity infrastructure, by converting electrical   globally uses natural gas as a feedstock. Another
        energy (supplied by renewable sources) to produce     commonly used resource is coal, which accounts
        Hydrogen and then reconvert it back to electrical     for 23% of the total Hydrogen produced. Today’s
        energy. Further, such conversion of electrical energy   total hydrogen production is about 70 Mt, and this
        to hydrogen production enables Hydrogen promotion     contributes 830 Mt of carbon dioxide per year to the
        for fuel applications and helps reduce energy imports   environment. With an increased interest in developing
        in the form of oil and gas. Fossil fuel-based hydrogen-  hydrogen-based economy, demand for Hydrogen is
        producing processes can be amended to employ          further expected to increase significantly. Therefore, it
        carbon capture technologies to produce Hydrogen       is evident that unless current technologies producing
        cleanly. A right infrastructure must be developed for   Hydrogen are targeted to minimise carbon dioxide
        exploiting the use of Hydrogen as a low carbon energy   emissions, the hydrogen-based economy in the future
        source.                                               shall not help reduce carbon footprint and will not
                                                              help address global climate change conditions. It is,
        Hydrogen Users and Growth Potential                   therefore, necessary to develop options for producing
                                                              Hydrogen without contributing to carbon dioxide
        Majority of the Hydrogen is presently consumed for    emissions.
        industrial applications. Petroleum refining processes
        account for one-third of hydrogen consumption. Other   Another commercially available technology for
        significant users are producers of Ammonia (27%) and   hydrogen production is based on splitting of a water
        Methanol (11%).  A small percentage (3%) of Hydrogen   molecule by electrolysis. Water electrolysis methods
        is utilised in steel production using direct ore reduction   contribute only 2% to the world hydrogen production.

        The Hydrogen required in the middle distillate’s
        desulphurisation process in petroleum refineries is
        mostly (60%) produced from natural gas. Considering
        stricter emission norms for automobiles, hydrogen
        demand for desulphurisation is expected to increase
        by 7% in the next ten years. However, with the
        electric vehicle revolution gaining momentum, this
        may dampen the market in the long term. Majority
        of the future hydrogen demand will arise from new
        applications such as transportation.

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