Page 37 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 37

Capture the Carbon                                    Digitalisation for Decarbonisation

        This measure is typically implemented when other      Digitalisation plays a vital role in all three
        options are not viable, either due to the limitation of   significant steps that are being undertaken towards
        process or higher cost. The present carbon capture    decarbonisation. Switching to low carbon RE has a
        & storage technologies can capture about 80-90%       considerable challenge of managing the variability
        of the CO  emitted from conventional coal-based       from RE sources. Accurate forecasting of the RE power,
        thermal plants. Carbon capture and storage facilities   load management in short intervals of fluctuations, and
        are becoming popular in Europe. However, it would     electricity grid stability during unpredicted weather
        still need policy support for implementation at scale. A   conditions are possible only using digital tools.
        nature-based approach, like reforestation, has also been  Smart grids help manage RE sources’ variability through
        adopted for carbon capture.                           demand-side management using smart meters and
                                                              big data tools. AI/ML algorithms and big data tools
        Decentralisation for Reducing T&D Loss                are successfully being adopted worldwide to manage
        and Improving Access                                  modern RE dominated grids.

        As per Energy Progress Report, 2019 published by UN,   In the Power sector, the digitalised process optimisation
        about 13% of the global population lack access to     can lead to a 5% increase in the electricity output per
        modern electricity. They are either far away from the   unit of fuel input for all subcritical and supercritical
        power grids, or the modern grids are not affordable   coal-fired power plants. Further, about 5% reduction
        for specific regions. The growth of RE power and      in O&M costs in power generation and electricity
        its decentralised nature ensures more sustained       networks can be achieved from digitalisation as per
        electrification, improving electricity’s access rate.    IEA report of 2017. Digital tools are proven to be
                                                              reliable means for Real-Time Analysis and Optimisation.
        The world average T&D losses stand at about 8.3% in   This is a low hanging fruit to reduce emissions in the
        2014. In India, the Aggregate Technical and Commercial   energy transition journey. Policymakers can explore
        (AT&C) losses stand at 19.89% which is more than      incentivising the first digital tool deployments in the
        twice the world average. Longer distances between     plants to accelerate such digital tools.
        the power generation and load centres would add
        to the T&D infrastructure cost and AT&C losses. The   Most industrial plants are instrumented adequately and
        decentralised nature of renewable energy generation   generate a large amount of digital data related to the
        and distribution will minimise the cost, AT&C losses   complex processes. Analog to Digital Converters (ADC)
        and increase the power system’s efficiency.  Mini/    is used to get the data converted to a digital format in
        microgrids connecting RE power with battery storage   analogue signals. The digital tools analyse the data
        or pumped storages are proven decentralised options   quickly and provide the operator with useful insights
        for electrification.                                  and actionable information into the processes that
                                                              otherwise would not be available to the plant operator.
        Digitalisation can help achieve a more stable operation   The digital tools can streamline the data ingestion
        of such grids.  Such decentralised, stable mini/micro   of structured or unstructured data on a real-time
        girds would reduce blackouts’ risk and improve quality   basis using the Machine Learning (ML) pipelines. The
        power access. The decentralised RE dominated mini-    performance optimisation/ improvement tools use AI/
        grids can also support EV charging stations in remote,   ML-based hybrid algorithms and advanced analytics to
        inaccessible locations                                yield desired results.

        Digitalisation - Driving force for                    A plantwide performance optimisation covering all
        Decarbonisation& Decentralisation                     critical equipment and process is generally planned
                                                              though a digital platform capable of customising
        Digitalisation enables and catalyses the energy       process/ equipment, interfacing and data ingestion,
        transition by making it more efficient, flexible and   data analytics and visualisation. Plant/ Fleetwide digital
        reliable. It would be interesting to analyse in detail   transformations are typically implemented through
        about how digitalisation helps decarbonisation and    such digital platforms.
        decentralisation of energy.

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