Page 36 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 36
In Energy Sector, a significant share is from power electricity can be generated “at or below” $20 per
generation, contributing about 38% of the total GHG megawatt-hour (MWh) in the best locations and with
emissions per 2014 statistics. necessary policy and financial support.
The clean energy drive has picked up considerable Switching from fossil fuel to electricity in all
momentum in this background, and measurable transportation means can significantly reduce
decarbonisation targets and monitoring mechanisms emissions. An average electric car and plug-in hybrid
are in place for the countries and institutions. Carbon electric car using electricity emit less GHGs than a
neutrality is targeted by 2050, and about 45% reduction global average internal combustion engine driven car
in CO emissions than 2010 levels is required to achieve using gasoline over their life cycle. (Considering current
this goal. global average carbon intensity of 518g of carbon
dioxide equivalent per kWh). The alternative means for
1% 3%
powering transportation would involve new materials
4% Rail (say for battery internals, motor winding etc.) and end
5% processing. The GHG emissions generated in the life
Water Heating &
7% Cooking cycle of such new materials shall also be accounted
TOTAL Heating Buildings while evaluating an alternative mean for mechanical
power production in place of conventional fossil fuel-
38% CO 2 Other based engines.
EMISSIONS 13% Other Industry
Light road Enhance Energy Efficiency
Hard to abate
Power Generation About 67% of the energy produced is lost on an
29% average due to the inefficiencies in electricity
generation, transport, heavy industry and buildings.
For example, subcritical thermal power units have
Heavy road, 7% Cement, 6% Air, 3% Aluminium, 1%
efficiencies between 33% and 37%; i.e. between
Iron & Steel, 6% Chemical, 3% Shipping, 3%
33% and 37% of the coal’s energy is converted into
Source: WEF, Energy Transition 101, July 2020 electricity. Efficiencies for supercritical coal plants
Fig. 2 range from 37% to 40%. In ultra-supercritical units.,
generating efficiency ranges from 44-46% and the
Broadly, to meet the climate targets related to GHG world’s most efficient combined-cycle power plant in
emissions, there shall be a continuous reduction in operation today, having an efficiency of about 63.08%.
usage of fossil fuels and an increase in dependency on There is ample room for increasing the plants and
renewable energy sources. The curtailment of fossil processes’ energy efficiency to use less fossil fuel for the
fuel can be achieved by shifting to renewable sources same power generated. The fossil fuels still form about
or improving fossil fuel-based plants/industries. The 84% of the global energy mix, and a small increment
strategies that are being adopted for decarbonisation inefficiency can result in a significant reduction in CO
are aligned in this direction and major ones briefed emission. 2
Building energy management systems also plays a
Use of Alternative, Low-Carbon Energy crucial role in reducing global CO emissions because
of the scale at which it can influence. Efficient, smart,
The dependency on natural energy sources like solar, IOT powered building management systems can reduce
wind, tide, geothermal shall be increased instead of energy consumption by about 20-30% in the longer
fossil fuels like coal, oil, natural gas etc. Hydrogen is run.
also an alternative clean fuel. The energy production
from these sources is also becoming cost-competitive Further, there are “Hard to Abate “sectors wherein the
due to scaling. IEA, in its 2020 report mentioned that CO emission is unavoidable due to the nature of the
the cost of capital for solar power is lower compared process adopted like in Steel industry. These sectors’
to coal-based power by about 2.6-5.0% in Europe emission contributes to about 29% of the total CO
and the US, 4.4-5.5% in China and 8.8-10.0% in India, generated globally ( Fig-02). These plants shall aim to
mainly as a result of policies designed to reduce the increase the efficiency of the process to mitigate the
risk of renewable investments. As per the report, solar emission levels.
36 TCExpresssion