Page 44 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 44

An alternative method to increase the density of the   density, making it heavier to handle. Hydrogen storage
        fluid is to liquefy the gas.  Liquified Hydrogen can be   technology in solid form is at a nascent stage, and so
        stored and transported in bulk volumes. Hydrogen      far, it is limited to holding no more than about 1.8 %
        can be stored in a liquid state. However, liquifying   hydrogen by weight.
        hydrogen calls for an operating temperature of (minus)
        –253° C. Liquefaction is an energy-intensive process   Comparison of various storage technologies and the
        and it would consume around 30% of the total energy   associated challenges are stated in Table 1 below.
        content of Hydrogen. Another issue related to liquid
        hydrogen transport is loss due to heat gain and boil-   Storage      Advantages         Challenges
        off, leading to hydrogen/energy losses. Additionally,   Method
        storage tanks need to be made up of expensive                      Matured         Weight Reduction
        materials for operating at cryogenic temperature.      Pressurised  technology     by way of using
                                                               Storage     with high
        Both pressurised storage and cryogenic storage                     efficiency      alternate materials
        technologies require specialised materials of
        construction. Research is underway to find suitable                                Liquefaction costs
        lightweight and economical materials for storing                   Higher liquid   are high. Boil-off gas
        Hydrogen under extreme pressure or temperature         Cryogenic   density and     management and
        conditions.                                            Storage     suitable for    expensive materials
                                                                           large quantities are required for
        Hydrogen storage in solids solution form using metal                               cryogenic service
        hydrides is an emerging technology. For this purpose,
        metals, intermetallic compounds, alloys, complex                                   New technology and
        hydrides are being studied.  Based on current research,            Relatively      not commercialised.
        it is now established that Hydrogen’s absorption       Metal       high density,   Temperature and
        and release under hydrides of some metal alloys are    Hydrides    Modular         energy requirements
        possible.  Hydrogen can be stored in solid form by using           operation       for desorption are
        this technology. This technology requires less energy                              high.
        to operate. However, under these operating conditions,
        hydrogen density will be close to liquid Hydrogen           Table 1: Comparison of Hydrogen Storage Methods

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