Page 48 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 48

Road Map to Environment-Friendly Power Generation in India

        The Journey So Far:                                   The emission levels recommended by MOEF & CC are
                                                              presented below:
          n 2015 while India signed the Paris Climate Change
          Agreement, the country faced the challenge of         Year    SPM          SO          NO     Mercury
       Ibecoming the world’s highest emitter of SO 2                             600 mg/Nm   3     x      0.03
        gases, producing over 15% of global emissions due       Pre    100 mg/   for <500 MW     600     mg/Nm
        to anthropogenic activities. The focus on India’s       2003    Nm 3     200 mg/Nm   3  mg/Nm 3    for
        environmental sustainability became urgent. To                           for >500MW             >500MW
        battle, climate change & increasing pollution levels,                    600 mg/Nm   3
        the government & regulatory authorities needed to       2003-  50 mg/    for <500 MW     300      0.03
        address a significant contributor, i.e. 198.8 Giga-Watt   2016  Nm 3     200 mg/Nm   3  mg/Nm 3  mg/Nm 3
        (GW) coal-based Thermal Power Plants (TPPs) operating                    for >500MW
        at pollution standards considerably lower than
        international benchmarks.                               Post   30mg/              3      100      0.03

                                                                2017    Nm 3     100 mg/Nm     mg/Nm 3   mg/Nm 3
        In December 2015, The Ministry of Environment, Forests
        & Climate Change (MOEF &CC) prescribed stringent
        environmental norms for power plant emissions         There was inevitable inertia & resistance to change
        (for pollutants like SO , NO  Hg, SPM) & specific     during the power producers’ initial stages because of
        water consumption guidelines, with an optimistic      the pertinent pain-points associated with implementing
        implementation deadline of 2 years for accelerating   these norms. Stringent execution timelines, significant
        the compliance. These harmful gases (generated        cost impact, increased auxiliary power consumptions,
        during coal combustion in a boiler) are liberated along   operation & maintenance issues and no clarity on the
        with exhaust flue gas. Hence, meeting the stipulated   way forward and retrofit challenges like unit shutdowns,
        emission levels called for retrofit/installation of Air   layout constraints, integration with existing systems,
        Pollution Control (APC) systems to treat the flue gas   etc. were some such issues. In due time, the power
        before escaping to the atmosphere through stack.      producers, Government & regulatory authorities,

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