Page 49 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
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consultants, OEM & EPC firms, financial institutions,   NOx control technologies to significantly reduce NO
        and industry experts pitched in to address the various   levels in the flue gas and is required for new power
        associated hurdles to the progress path.              plants.

                                                              Hence, reducing SO  emissions is the epicentre for
        Taking a cue from its legacy of being the first                         2
        engineering consultant to introduce SO  abatement     meeting the regulations. Central Electricity Authority
        technology in India, way back in the 1980s, TCE geared   (CEA) identified about 168 GW generating capacity
        up to contribute to the cause of achieving improved air   comprising 444 units for compliance through the
        quality, preventing climate change, and making the    retrofit of Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) systems.
        environment a better place to live in by leveraging its   The implementation process of these regulations
        rich experience and knowledge of over five decades in   was segmented into a staged approach, with Stage-I
        the power industry. Exclusive in-house Design Suites   being feasibility study & basic engineering, Stage-II is
        were developed & automated for fuel/plant-specific    tendering/bidding process till order placement.
        emission analysis & accurate pollution control system   At the same time, Stage-III involves detailed
        design calculations. A dedicated & skilled cross-     engineering & site execution/ construction.
        functional team was formed to pioneer projects and    Some of the prevalent FGD technologies explored
        provide consultancy support to plant owners, EPCs,    & analysed in India are Wet Limestone based, Sea
        OEMs, regulatory authorities and other stakeholders in   Water-based, Dry/Semi-Dry based, Ammonia-based,
        this domain.                                          Sorbent or Polymer-based FGD systems. Several other
        Mercury in domestic coal is present in a negligible   technology alternatives and the merits & demerits of
        amount, and hence most power plants do not require    these options were carefully evaluated to arrive at the
        a separate technology for mercury control. SPM control   optimal plant-specific technology solution. The crucial
        systems like Fabric Filters, Electro-Static Precipitators   factors influencing the selection & design of FGD are
        (ESP) were already installed in the existing coal-    fuel firing, site & layout specific aspects, GGH & stack
        based TPPs to meet the previous regulations, this     configurations, suitable liners, water, performance
        technology (in only a few cases) required up-gradation/  parameters, implementation time and finally life cycle
        modifications. NO  emission control could be achieved   cost analysis (Capex + Capitalised OPEX).
        through either Primary combustion NOx control or      Considering practical challenges, the deadline for
        a combination of Primary and Post-combustion NO       compliance with environmental regulations was
        control technologies. Popular primary NO  control     extended by MOEF & CC from 2017 to a more realistic
        methods involved reducing NO  during the combustion   schedule till 2022. CEA also developed a phased unit-
        process by installing Low NO  burners in place of     wise schedule of FGD implementation for smoother
        existing burners, combustion tuning & zoning, excess   execution & power supply reliability in consultation
        air optimisation & control, separated/coupled overfire   with the power producers. Considering market trends &
        air systems, or their combinations. Post Combustion   cost of technology, retrofit, and the cumulative capital
        control technologies like Selective Non-Catalytic     investment, these initiatives are estimated to cross
        Reduction (SNCR), Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR),   over INR 1 Lakh Crores, one of the largest modern-day
        Hybrid SCR-SNCR, etc. can be used alongside Primary   investments in the Indian power industry.

                                                                                The current status of FGD
                 Central Sector*         State Sector*          Private Sector*
                                                                                implementation is varying between
                           55260 MW                53225 MW               61237 MW
                           100%                    100%                   100%  the Central, State and Private
          Planned  149 Units      Planned  149 Units     Planned  149 Units
                                                                                Sectors with Central sector units
                           55260 MW               47515 MW               53247 MW
                           100%                   86%                    96.3%  taking the lead with over 60% of
            FR  149 Units           FR  152 Units           FR  111 Units
                                                                                the Central TPPs completing stage-II
                           53370 MW            31865 MW                45142 MW
                           96.5%               57.6%                   81.7%    (Tendering & Order Placement) and
         Tech Spec  140 Units    Tech Spec  97 Units    Tech Spec  90 Units
                                                                                commencing Stage-III (Execution &
                          53370 MW           26745 MW                  42742 MW
                          96.5%              48.4%                     77.3%
         NIT Issued  140 Units   NIT Issued  76 Units   NIT Issued  85 Units    construction).
                       34250 MW         2630 MW                  11160 MW
                       61.9%            4.8%                     20.2%
         Bids Award  77 Units    Bids Award  7 Units    Bids Award  20 Units    Note: FGD's already commissioned/operating include
                                                                                NTPC Vindhyachal, CLP Mahatma Gandhi TPP, TATA
               420 MW                  0 MW                    1320 MW          Power Trombay Unit 5, Adani Power Mudra Units
               100%                    0%                      2.39%
         Completed  2 Units      Completed  0 Units     Completed  2 Units      7,8,9, Adani Power Udupi (partial), IL&FS Cuddalore
                                                                                TPP, JSW Energy Ratnagiri Plant (partial), Reliance
              0  20000  40000  60000  0  20000  40000  60000  0  20000  40000  60000  80000  Dahanu
                                       Source: CEA
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