Page 50 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 50

Recent Developments & The Way Forward:                and trade restrictions. At the current situation,
                                                              completion of all FGD installations across India by 2022
        At the beginning of 2020, several power plants (about 48   is very unlikely to occur.
        GW) already missed the revised deadline for retrofitting the
        FGD system. CPCB also furnished notices to 15 coal-based   Limited domestic FGD technology suppliers/
        plants (about 14000 MW & 31 units) for non-compliance of   Vendors are available in India, and many leading EPC
        environmental regulations which might face closure.   contractors, sub-vendors are saturated because of
                                                              ongoing parallel FGD projects. The restrictions imposed
        Environmental penalty (Rs. 18 Lakhs/Unit/ Month)      on the power equipment import from China could
        was to be imposed for continuing non-compliance       result in bottlenecks of supply chain & procurement
        of CPCB directions. However, currently, the Supreme   process. There are challenges envisaged in sanction &
        Court of India has placed a stay order on environmental   granting of funds/loans for FGD retrofit from Financial
        compensation issued to plants who challenged this     Institutions, especially since many power plants
        penalty.                                              currently fall under NPAs / stressed assets categories.
                                                              Clarity is further required for addressing significant
        Supreme court rejected the petition filed by          revenue losses to be incurred & power crisis during
        Association of Power Producers (APP) for blanket      the unit shut down period. Market price fluctuations
        extension of deadlines for FGD installation, from 2022   of CAPEX from unit/capacity wise benchmarked values
        to 2024. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission    provided by CEA are being observed, due to recently
        (CERC) issued the Draft Amendments to incorporate     modified government policies related to tendering/
        temporary increase of electricity tariff for FGD retrofit of   import and pandemic scenario. Other roadblocks to be
        Independent power producers, which was a significant   taken care involve long-term procurement of reagent
        development in the tariff-revision aspect. MOEF & CC   & unequal price escalations in the future, along with
        have also allowed thermal power plants to use coal    disposal/land requirement of a considerable quantity of
        having more than 34% ash content. CERC recently       byproducts, if it could not be sold.
        mentioned in tariff paper that power producers should
        be permitted to recover 90% of additional CAPEX cost   The Ministry of Power has recently recommended
        due to APC equipment retrofit over 25 years.          in a letter to MOEF & CC, to extend the deadlines for
                                                              implementation emissions norms by two years (i.e. till
        Due to security & defence escalations at the borders,   2024), for over 200 units comprising 100 GW generating
        Haryana government decided to annul two tenders       capacity coal-based thermal power plants. Ministry
        of FGD project contracts with Chinese firms worth     is presently considering this matter alongside an
        over INR 1000 Crores for 2x300 MW Yamunanagar         evaluation of its implications on environment & public
        TPP & 2x600 MW Rajiv Gandhi TPP in Hisar thus         health. Further confirmation/amendments by MOEF
        putting into effect the trade ban proposed by Indian   &CC on the relaxation of deadlines are still awaited.
        Government. Many state & central sector power plants   Although the journey ahead is long with unavoidable
        are expected to take similar measures as we advance,   obstacles in its path, the industry is marching steadily
        leading to a boost in indigenous manufacturing &      towards cleaner power generation, thus gaining better
        domestic business. Citing transgression in border     clarity & progressive elaboration.
        areas, cybersecurity threats & significant cash outflow,
        Power Ministry also imposed restrictions/ban on         Considering practical challenges, the deadline
        importing power equipment from China & few other        for compliance with environmental regulations
        countries, requiring the Government’s necessary            was extended by MOEF & CC from 2017 to
        approval. Moreover, regulations have been introduced      a more realistic schedule till 2022. CEA also
        on Public Procurement from neighbouring countries       developed a phased unit-wise schedule of FGD
        and registration of bidders are now required under        implementation for smoother execution &
        Competent Authority.                                     power supply reliability in consultation with
                                                                   the power producers. Considering market
        The FGD execution phase’s progress is considerably        trends & cost of technology, retrofit, and the
        lagging from the planned schedule, with very few        cumulative capital investment, these initiatives
        Orders awarded especially in the Private and State       are estimated to cross over INR 1 Lakh Crores,
        sector. This progress further decelerated in the last few   one of the largest modern-day investments in
        months due to the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic                 the Indian power industry.

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