Page 51 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
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Our Key Milestones and Contributions:
TCE is now positioned as the Indian market leader in engineering consultancy in this field, extending services to
20+ customers/organisations, 40+ Thermal Power Plants, 120+ units and a cumulative of over 55,000 MW capacity
of thermal power plants (coal-fired) in the domain of SO , SPM & NO emission control technologies.
2 x
TCE gained Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for technologies, optimal designs, cost savings & value
innovative FGD process (Patent No: 318817) and was additions says it all. TCE is involved in both Owner’s
also awarded the Best Innovative Project at the Tata Engineering (Concept to Commissioning) and Detailed
Group level. TCE was also recognised as one of the Top Engineering services for EPC/OEMs.
26 innovative companies in India.
TCE suggested unique solutions to minimise the
TCE contributed to identifying gaps & suggesting plant/unit shutdown time required for FGD & DeNOx
improvements in draft Environmental Regulations system retrofit, thereby addressing associated power
furnished by MOEF & CC. The company supported generation crisis preventing considerable revenue
thermal power sector by providing insights into losses (ranging from INR. 24,000 - 50,000 / MW /
the introduced environmental norms. We also Day) due to plant/unit shutdown. Apart from the
sensitised & informed Customers on the necessity conventional APC domains, TCE has also developed
of implementation, target deadlines, pain-points, novel solutions for related crucial areas of water
risks, and APC retrofits impacts. TCE conducted an optimisation & treatment, Wet Stack, optimal coal
extensive analysis, market research, reports, lectures, blending solutions and 3D/4D Engineering of complete
publications, training and developed standard systems in digital platforms.
documents, technology design suites, technical
specifications, techno-commercial comparative analysis
of various prevalent emission control systems.
TCE played an instrumental role in executing these Author
challenging brown-field projects requiring retrofitting
pollution abatement systems in most coal-based power
plants for the first time across India. The excellent Anmoy Kumar - Assistant Manager
feedback & appreciations/testimonials from multiple Tata Consulting Engineers Limited (TCE)
customers to provide comprehensive & customised
solutions for their plant(s), & recommending right
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