Page 24 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 24

The path can be represented by the following figure also:


            Sustainable transition
            •  Environmental
               sustainability               Switching        Sustainable                           System level
                                               to           Iron and Steel     Material            sustainable
            •  Energy security              alternative                        efficiency
                                              fuels          transition                             benefits
            •  Least-cost transition
            •  Synergies between
               Iron and Steel and
               other sectors                                 Innovative

        Available Technologies in Energy                      These processes may decrease carbon dioxide
        Transition and Decarbonising                          emissions without eliminating them, but do not offer
        programmes for Iron & Steel Industries                fully carbon-neutral steel production.
                                                                  Technologies dealing with electrification
        The following section discusses the available            There is a growing potential for emission reduction
        technologies wherein Technical systems are either        in the steel industry by switching from fossil fuels
        complete & qualified or very promising to have a         towards electricity, thanks to growing availability of
        significant impact in future:
                                                                 strong transmission grid and economical renewable

            Technologies related to energy efficiency            power including rooftop solar, waste energy
            measures                                             utilisation, etc. supported by storage solutions.

            Energy efficiency in industry has resulted in energy   As indicated earlier, the EAF route is a well-
            savings of around 40% per product unit (EEA,         established technology having substantially fewer
            2019). There is a remaining potential for estimated   emissions with a major share of indirect emissions.
            additional savings of 15-25% by 2050 using system    The use of electricity often offers considerable
            design changes such as Coke Dry Quenching, Top       efficiency benefits, such as applying heat pumps
            Pressure Recovery Turbine, Waste heat recovery       for low-temperature heat. Several commercially
            from different available sources, recuperative and   available technologies can be implemented to
            regenerative burners, process improvements, etc.     substitute fossil fuels for heat demand: Electrode
            TCE has managed many such projects successfully.
                                                                 boilers, Electrical resistance heating, Heat pumps,
            BF/BOF efficiency programs                           Steam recompression, etc.
            Such programs improve efficiency and/or decrease
            production losses in different ways, for example     However, the integrated steel plants run with an
                                                                 established gas and steam balance. Thorough
            optimising the BF burden mix by maximising the      knowledge and case to case basis study are
              iron content in raw materials to reduce the        required to evaluate the techno-economic benefits.
              usage of coal as a reductant
            increasing the use of fuel injection through,        Increase share of scrap-based EAFs
              for   example, pulverised coal injection (PCI),    EAF producers are more environmentally friendly
              natural gas, plastics, biomass, or hydrogen        and flexible to demand ups and downs. Increasing
              (as an additional reagent on top), or              the share of EAF-based steel production will play
            using coke oven gas in the BF as an energy source.   a key role in decarbonising the steel industry.

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