Page 57 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 57

This project aims to use technology and make smart    After the threshold value is reached, Arduino monitors
        construction helmets to improve the chances of survival  the values of the accelerometer for 6 seconds. IF the
        of workers who have met an accident. The helmet even   accelerometer values continuously change, the system
        helps report a potentially hazardous situation/element   reads it as the person is moving and assumes he is fine;
        to the higher authorities quickly using technology. The   in this case, the distress signal is not sent.
        benefits of a smart helmet will also encourage workers
        to wear their helmets on-site.                        IF the accelerometer values do not change for 6
                                                              seconds, the system assumes that the person is
        The helmet offers:                                    unconscious, and a distress signal is sent through the
                                                              GSM module to the QRT team.
            Fall Detection and Emergency Communication –
            When the conditions of a fall or an accident are   Secondly, if any worker on the site wants to
            detected, a distress signal is sent to the Quick   communicate with the on-site manager, he can call
            Response Team.                                    him instantly by pressing the button. The system is
                                                              designed as a two-way communication tool where the
            Location tracking using GPS Module to determine   manager can also call a specific worker to communicate
            the whereabouts of the wearer in the site.        information.

            Integrated speaker-microphone and GSM             Costing
            module for communication – To provide quick
            communication between the wearer and on-site      A standard helmet generally costs around 300 to
            manager and vice versa.                           500 rupees. The cost estimation for SMART Helmet
                                                              prototype with locally available electronics costs
            Integrated Power LED with an auto ON/OFF –        around Rs. 3500 for a single prototype. But if mass-
            Implementation of smart LED that will turn ON or   produced, the product's value will reduce by 1/3 rd of
            OFF based on the ambient light level.             the current price, i.e. Rs. 1160 making it affordable.

        Working                                               Future Scope

        Arduino being the brain of the project helps us run       Implementation of a camera and AR for
        each module, i.e. GPS GSM LDR and ACCELEROMETER          communication and surveillance can also be
        in sync as per cases. Accelerometer threshold value (2g)   incorporated. The workers can use the helmet to
        is fixed in the Arduino which continuously monitor the   share real-time problems with the site manager
        accelerometer value.                                     instantly. The data from the camera can also help
                                                                 solve on-site issues instantly.

                                                                  The number of people entering and leaving the site
                                                                 can also be monitored by authorising entry only
                                                                 after issuing the SMART Helmet.

                                                                  With microchips and micro modules development,
                                                                 the helmet can aesthetically look good without
                                                                 losing its integrity, making it even more potent and


        Let us take 2 cases:                                         Siddharth Saini - Engineer Trainee

            The worker jumps and starts to move                      Tata Consulting Engineers Limited (TCE)

            The worker falls and is unconscious he doesn't

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