Page 86 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
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TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS Mitigating Covid-19 induced
disruption to Steel use in Construction
The Indian Engineering Congress organised every through Engineering solutions
year by the Institute of Engineers is a flagship event
that provides a broad platform to the engineering Manos Kumar De
and technical fraternity in India and abroad for
interaction and transfusion of knowledge furthering The construction industry is a significant contributor
a new dimension for technological development. The to economic development and a primary source of
35th Indian Engineering Congress was a virtual event employment and materials consumption. Steel is one
based on the theme “Engineering for Self-Reliance and of the most versatile construction materials, and the
Sustainable Goals”. construction industry is a significant source of demand
for this material.
TCE presented three papers at this event:
The economic havoc caused by the Covid-19 virus
Green Hydrogen: A Perspective pandemic has severely affected the construction
industry and the need for steel. The uncertainty
Dr S. Sakthivel, Shireesh S Swami, Atul Choudhari associated with controlling and eradicating the disease
has caused great distress to the established economic
Hydrogen is a clean-burning, emission-free fuel, which activities contributing to growth.
can be produced locally from any primary energy
source, be it fossil or renewable. It has the highest This article reviews the uncertainty imposed on the
energy density (120 MJ/kg), compared to gasoline (45 construction industry’s future due to the pandemic
MJ/kg) and ensures energy security (i.e., produced induced disruption and the subsequent effect on the
from a variety of domestic sources). Hydrogen is use of steel in the construction sector. It also reviews
emerging as an alternative clean fuel, particularly for the factors that have driven down the sector’s growth
hydrogen vehicles, alternative industrial feedstock, in the economic slowdown caused by lockdowns’
power generation and energy storage etc. Furthermore, imposition to arrest the virus’s spread.
hydrogen can be utilised in newer applications as fuel,
reducing DRI agents and other metal processing, and The measures planned to manage the risk and
energy storage. This article focuses on an overview of uncertainty caused due to this unprecedented
green hydrogen production methods, the landscape phenomenon are studied. The article reviews the
of electrolyser technology, cost analysis to understand changing technologies that can revive the Industry
the entire hydrogen value chain, including storage, and improve the steel demand in the new normal era,
transportation and distribution to the end-user. This focusing on adopting digitalisation and mechanisation.
article concludes that green hydrogen will penetrate
the domestic market as renewable energy growth Design Of Framed Foundation
with lower prices and proactive policy frameworks For Absorber In Flue Gas
encourages sustainable development to promote zero- Desulphurization System
emission ambition.
R L Dinesh, Ranjit P Kangralkar,
Sandhya Krishnamurthy and Rohit Pantoji
The Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) system helps all
operational and new thermal power plants meet the
new guidelines laid by the Ministry of Environment
Forest and Climate Change. FGD system provides
“Environmental Sustainability” by reducing the SO2 gas
emissions to the atmosphere, which cause respiratory
infections, eye irritation, breathing difficulty, asthma
and other health hazards. Absorber (scrubber) is the
heart of the FGD system wherein the SO2 reacts with
lime, and the concentration of SO2 emission reduces
from the flue gas. Absorber structure needs to be
Fig.1 Flow scheme of green production via renewables and supported on a rigid foundation. This paper describes
their applications
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