Page 88 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 88

Process integration for energy efficiency             solve and optimise virtually any flowsheet synthesis
        and networking of unit operations                     problem. However, despite the simulators sophisticated
                                                              and rigorous modelling techniques, process simulations
        C Sailaja, Published in Chemical Industry digest,     fail to represent real-life plant data. In most cases, the
        September ‘20,                   user shows blind faith in the inbuilt configurations and
                                                              default selection of simulators’ methods, introducing
                                                              erroneous results for specific systems. Since simulators
                                                              can generate multiple and sometimes conflicting
                                                              solutions for the same set of external input data
                                                              parameters, this raises doubts about their effectiveness
                                                              and reliability. There are several reasons for simulation
                                                              failure. This article covers various issues that may help
                                                              users to derive meaningful results from simulations and
                                                              thus enhance the reliability of their simulations.

                                                              Back To Basics: Introduction To Pinch

                                                              Shreyas Choudhari, Atul Choudhari (Dy CTO), Chemical
                                                              Industry Digest, September ‘20

                                                              The Chemical Process Industry is one of the largest
                                                              consumers of energy. Heat exchanger network design
                                                              is a commonly used method for optimising the energy
                                                              requirements. Pinch analysis is a systematic method
        Process Integration involves analysing the entire     that can be used to minimise the external energy
        plant rather than individual equipment to obtain      requirements by utilising ‘available energy’ from the
        an energy-efficient solution. It is a very challenging   process streams to a maximum extent. Pinch analysis is
        exercise to optimise a chemical plant for energy-     usually carried out by using special software due to the
        efficient operation. It involves efficiently integrating   advancements in software technologies. For reaping full
        different energy sources by implementing an energy    benefits, this paper provides an overview and intends
        management system and using the appropriate           to go back to pinch technology basics, refresh and
        instrumentation to measure energy consumption. This   enhance users’ understanding. A simplified and outline
        paper addresses the design and operational issues to   approach for energy optimisation using Pinch analysis
        optimise the utility generation & distribution in any   is also presented.
        process plant in a cost-effective manner and reduce
        energy consumption.                                   Industry 4.0 Digital Technologies to

        Should You rely on your simulation                    optimise energy use in plants
        results?                                              Sunil Agarwal and  Bharat Yadav, Published in Chemical
                                                              Industry digest, September ‘20 –
        Atul Choudhari (Dy CTO), Petroleum Technology
        Quarterly, October ‘20,       Industry 4.0 is broader than the Internet of Things
                                                              (IoT) and encompasses technologies such as Big Data
        Process Simulation is a useful and powerful tool      analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning
        to model chemical process flowsheets of varying       (ML). This article includes a brief introduction to the
        complexities. Modern-day simulators are built with    Industrial Revolution 4.0. and elaborates about the
        a comprehensive, pure component databank, an          benefits of IIoT based solutions which are bringing a
        exhaustive library of thermodynamics systems, physical   significant shift in the way businesses are looking at
        property estimation method, initial estimate generators   plant operations and reducing energy intensity.
        and inbuilt algorithms for every unit operation with a
        user-friendly graphical interface. These simulators can

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