Page 89 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 89

Some typical applications across industries using smart   The paper on geotechnical site characterisation
        solutions to improve plant productivity and efficiency   through “Triad Approach” for Coke Oven Project” at Tata
        are also identified.                                  Steel Ltd, Jamshedpur was presented by Manos Kumar
                                                              De at the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2020 held
                                                              between December 17th -19th.
           Optimizing   Predicting  Optimizing    On Time
            Machine    and Preventing  Maintenance  Alerting  2. Safety governs all aspects of life in different forms
           Utilization   Failures     Cycle                   and to different extents. Safety is essential to protect

                                                              people from fatalities and accidents, plants from
                            Benefits of                       damage and fire, and business sustainability. Electrical
                                IloT                          energy poses unique challenges as we can’t see, hear or
                             solutions                        smell electricity. Yet, if an incident occurs, it can be fatal

                                                              and costly. So electrical safety is of prime importance
            Energy      Improving    Reducing    Improving    and identifying and controlling electrical hazards is
          Optimization   Assets    Maintenance   Machine      an integral part of every safety program across all
                         Lifecycle    Cost      Performance   industries.


        1. Successful brownfield site development requires
        the planning of geotechnical tests, data collection,
        analysis, and field interpretation and laboratory results
        in a timely and cost-effective manner. The planning and
        scheduling needed to define potential criticalities and
        uncertainty in ground conditions allow designers to use
        resources effectively, optimise space constraints and
        develop response strategies for execution safety. The
        foundation system’s decision and ground improvement
        required during the underground construction activity   Mr V V Barve conducted a session on “Managing
        significantly impact brownfield project schedule and   Electrical Safety at Construction Sites” during the virtual
        overall cost. The “Triad Approach” consists of planned   seminar on Electrical Safety conducted by National
        geotechnical investigation combined with systematic   Safety Council, India on 12th December 20. It covered
        foundation planning based on real-time data that      the electrical safety approach, electrical shock effects,
        optimally uses available resources and accounts for   types of injuries, common electrical hazards at the site,
        space and time constraints.                           principles of site safety and precautions for temporary
                                                              power distribution at site. Possibilities of accidents
                                                              during the execution and testing/commissioning phase,
                                                              including preventive measures, were also discussed.

                                                              The talk also covered the use of modern technologies
                                                              for electrical safety like ultrasonic detection, e-alert
                                                              safety helmet, smartwatch, prefab electrical systems,
                                                              app-based safety monitoring, non-contact testers for
                                                              measurements and the landscape of AR/VR/MR for
                                                              electrical safety

                                                              3. An International conference on recent trends in
                                                              Electronics, Electrical, Communication and Medical
                                                              Instrumentation was organised by Dayanand college
                                                              of engineering, Bangalore from 7th to 9th December
                                                              2020 (online).  Participants included Engineers from IISc,
                                                              Universities of Spain, Germany, Honeywell & Huawei.

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