Page 39 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 39

Delivering Aspirations | Achieving Scale

          Key Trends Shaping the Industry:                    •   As the population growth surges forward, hand
                                                                 in hand with urbanisation and industrialisation,
          •   With increasing focus of the government on the     more efficient transportation services are in high
             need for infrastructure, the public sector has      demand, particularly mass commuting services
             begun to reassert its role and is aggressively      both within and between cities.
             pursuing the enhancement of this sector.
                                                              •   Urban rail services (metro/mono), high-speed
          •   With continued focus on Urbanisation, SMART        rail and super-fast hyperloop train technologies,
             Cities, AMRUT cities, it is expected that many      as well as fossil fuels alternatives to power
             more such cities and related infrstructure will be   transportation, are areas of opportunities.
             launched in the coming years.
                                                              The infrastructure sector will continue to evolve,
          •   With sustainability becoming more relevant and   integrating various industries, rather than simply
             awareness about global warming and climate       focusing on installation and services. To stay relevant
             change increasing, the need for sustainable      amid a rapidly changing world, TCE will leverage its
             infrastructure both new and upgrade of existing is   innovation excellence and project expertise to scale
             also an increasing trend.                        new heights and establish enduring relationships.

          •   Due to extreme weather events and high level of   Going forward, TCE will participate in the urban
             water stress, there is a growing demand around   rejuvenation programme; reinforce the water
             identifying alternate water sources, efficient   management vertical, expand presence in metro rail
             distribution of quality water in towns and cities.   services, ports, river interlinkages and transportation;

          •   The degree of privatisation in the water industry   and explore partnership / collaboration opportunities
             will expand, with a wide range of opportunities,   for high- speed rail networks.
             for smart water management, alternative water
             sources (desalinisation) market and water reuse/
             recycling, along with irrigation and rivers.

         A PROJECT
         Water Supply Facilities to 110 Villages in
         With the inclusion of 110 villages, the need for
         augmentation of existing water supply arrangement
         was urgently felt. It was also considered that bringing
         an additional quantity of 775 MLD water from the
         river project is likely to take a long time. Hence this
         project will utilise the savings of water obtained by the
         reduction of Unaccounted for Water (UFW) in the core
         area. However, the system was designed such that it
         can be integrated with the river water at a later date.

         The UFW work included detail design of 26 DMAs
         spread over 22 Square kilometres in the project
         area,  laying jointing of 400 kilometres of pipelines,
         service connections for 43000 houses, domestic water
         meters for 36000 homes and installation of 80 Electro
         Magnetic Flowmeters.

         Up to 31st March 2020 pipelines have been laid in a
         length of 2660 kilometres and construction of Ground
         Level Reservoirs (GLRs) and Overhead Tanks (OHTs) are
         in advance stage.
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