Page 43 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 43

Delivering Aspirations | Achieving Scale

          Key Trends Shaping the Industry:                    •   Transmission and distribution infrastructure upgrades
                                                                 in India receiving due attention.  Higher investments
          •   Sustainable Development Goals are driving Energy   expected in transmission infrastructure, HVDC and
             Transition across sectors with a focus on clean and   FACTS, smart grids, distribution automation, load
             green energy.  Renewable growth focus across        forecasting, microgrids, WAMS etc.  The Asia Pacific and
             geographies.  Floating solar, hybrid solar and wind with   MENA regions offer international opportunities.
             energy storage opportunities being realised.  Energy
             neutral infrastructure, waste to energy and offshore   •   Government of India intends to reduce AT&C losses
             wind expected to emerge in coming years in India.   through privatisation of DISCOMs.   Open access
                                                                 in distribution, regular tariff revisions, extensive
          •   Flexibilisation of thermal plants, Tariff based    smart metering, services on digital platforms, direct
             competitive bidding for Round the Clock (RTC) power   beneficiary transfer mechanisms to bring in much relief
             with Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) bundled with   and improve the efficiency of the distribution sector.
             underutilised thermal plants along with Green Term
             Ahead Market that allows renewable buyers and sellers   •   Distribution system enhancement will bring in new
             to trade without PPAs will govern the dynamics of   players in DISCOMs as well as new opportunities
             power industry going forward.                       in the areas of due diligence, AT&C loss reduction,
                                                                 infrastructure upgrades, energy storage, smart grids,
          •   Nuclear sector upbeat with ten units of 700MW PHWRs   smart meters and grid automation.
             in fleet mode along with bulk imported reactors based
             on LWR and EPR technologies set to realise soon.  Kaiga   •   OEMs and EPCs focus on standardisation,
             2x700MW Unit 5&6 tender expected in 2020.   Seismic   modularisation and reuse to gain competitive
             Margin Assessments for existing plants offer opex   advantage and reduce time to market.
             opportunities.   Overseas opportunities with ITER,   •   In response to the emerging trends, TCE is stepping
             Korean and European majors offer international growth   up its core service offerings in the Power business,
             unexplored thus far.                                reinforcing its strengths and judiciously pursuing the
          •   Hydro plants up to 25MW capacity are considered    opportunities presented by Energy Transition and the
             as renewables and are eligible for similar benefits.    Industry 4.0 revolution.
             Pumped Storage Schemes (PSPs) receiving huge     •   Power Business is focusing on digitalisation, IIOT
             attention due to simplicity, flexibility and quick   solutions and opex services for plant upgrades and
             turnaround to replace VRE.   Dam Rehabilitation Phase   asset lifecycle management.   Focus areas for Point
             II and III for improvement of 700 dams with a budget of   solutions include monitoring and performance
             10,000cr planned to be completed in this decade.    optimisation of boilers, condensers, critical pumps and
          •   No new utility-scale thermal plants expected and focus   other equipment, plant chemistry, coal inventory, the
             in the sector is on flexible power and environmental   health of switchgear and transformers, solar power
             upgrades.   New build opportunities are emerging in   forecasting, etc.  Capacity building initiatives on data
             CIS countries as well as in Asia Pacific regions.   sciences, machine learning, and artificial intelligence
                                                                 are in progress.

          A PROJECT
          International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

          ITER nuclear fusion research and engineering
          megaproject is the world’s largest magnetic
          confinement plasma physics experiment. TCE has
          been involved in the project since inception.

          We provided the detailed engineering of the Cooling
          Water System for the project and were a part of the
          conceptual and preliminary design phases which
          formed the foundation for the final design.
          Currently, our 50+ engineers from different
          specialisation are working at the site to help
          ITER deliver the Engineering Work Packages to
          the Construction Team for Erection. We are also
          supporting ITER through offshore projects being
          executed by the delivery teams in India

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