Page 44 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 44

21  Annual Report 2019-20
           A PROJECT
           Coke Dry Quenching Plant
           TCE masterminded the complete project cycle from concept
           to commissioning of the Coke Dry Quenching (CDQ) plant
           for Coke Oven Batteries 10 & 11 of Tata Steel at Jamshedpur.
           The CDQ plant was mandatory to meet environmental
           norms to operate the coke oven. The plant is designed with
           Best Available Technology (BAT) from globally renowned
           suppliers and contractors and is able to reduce coke dust
           emission, eliminate the wastage of water as steam in the
           wet quenching process and use 80% of the sensible heat
           of the circulating cooling gas to generate steam in waste
           heat recovery boilers for use in other processes and power
           TCE also carried steam dynamics study for boosting the
           power generation capacity by 10MW using additional
           steam from existing CDQ plant through PRV based cascade
           control with steam from the new boilers, resulting in
           considerable value addition to the project viability and
           environment. The plant retrofits into the confined space
           of the existing plant using various innovative schemes
           for enabling works to create working space above and
           below ground. The engineering was carried out through
           extensive use of smart engineering tools like 3D integrated
           approach with a common digital model of the entire plant
           by merging the engineering output from various global
           suppliers/ contractors to create a seamless product for
           safe and time bound execution. Use of 4D construction
           simulation helped in meeting the challenges of execution
           in deep brownfield conditions by proper sequencing of
           activities and support logistics.

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