Page 19 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
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Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow
toolset, engineering software, cybersecurity and various online Performance Review
tools across Order to Delivery, Project Lifecycle Management, In FY 2020-21, the new sales order intake was the highest
Document Management and SAP for Financials. With such a ever, closing at Rs 1185 Crore at the consolidated level,
strong foundation and enablers, we ensured safe and secure despite a slight reduction in the contribution of our
switchover to 100% work from home and delivered our international orders. While the top-line revenue took a
customer promises and projects.
dip of 11% YoY, we ensured a healthy bottom line and
TCE demonstrated flexibility and resilience to ensure operational sustainable operations. TCE became a ZERO debt and cash
continuity to hedge the unknown that the Pandemic was positive company, a significant milestone achieved in
challenging us with, few examples such as: F Y 2020-21 due to focused efforts on collecting our dues.
COVID-19 specific measure, limited travel and limited use of
Proactively working with customers and planning the office infrastructure were responsible for lower operational
best possible delivery options and ways to deal with the
immediate impacts of the Pandemic. expenses.
Upskilling people, project teams and vendors and TCE moved up in ranks in the ENR Top 225 International
leveraging technology to help with seamless operations Design Firms to 116. In FY 2020-21, 41% of our revenues
while working from home across different locations, and 26% of the business acquisition came from
project, and client sites. international markets. FY 2020-21 has been an aberration
wherein international signings have been delayed due to
Ensuring employment security for our employees and deferment of both CAPEX and OPEX spends by customers.
ensuring their wellbeing. Embracing togetherness using The Pandemic, too, had a bearing on our overseas
virtual means to help bring mental wellness, motivation, acquisitions.
and agility.
Talent retention is an essential aspect of any consulting
Enabling enhanced health insurance coverage along with business. In FY 2020-21, the attrition dropped from 13%
top-up plans. to 5%. We had to freeze all new hiring and optimise
Refined and upgraded our business continuity plans to outsourcing.
deal with challenges posed by COVID-19 to ensure proper TCE launched TCE SmartSite to manage our projects
risk management of emerging issues of employee safety, site using digital enablers and reduce paper-based work
customer connect, enabling work from home operations, methods. The SmartSite app works alongside real-time
delivery of assignments in India & overseas, IT support, and safety app Suraksha and survey drones, and other data
other support operations. acquisition devices. The digital SmartSite app has made
Engineering Consulting Solutions and concepts to aid in the progress review real-time, with virtual reviews between
the joint fight against the Pandemic. remote teams and customers. It has also helped to keep
our employees safe during the Pandemic.
Looking back at 2020, I am proud of what we have achieved
and how our teams quickly adapted to the change. Today we With the increasing impetus by the government of India
stand together as a more resilient team ready to Reimagine, on infrastructure development, FY 2020-21 has seen an
Reinvent and Grow. upward trend in Capex investments. This year 82% of the
revenues came from clients’ Capex investments.