Page 23 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
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Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow
TCE Thought Leadership and Brand Recall 9. Industry-Academia Collaboration
With the Pandemic triggered travel restriction, our teams have • The construction sector is one of the top contributors to
leveraged online virtual means to remain relevant, connected, the Gross Domestic Production (GDP) of India. From both
and closer to our customers, policymakers, and thought leaders. cost optimisation and environmental sustainability point
The financials, order book, active queries and website visits of view, it is imperative to look for increased recycling
clearly show the effectiveness of these virtual modes of connect of construction waste materials while meeting future
and brand recall. construction demands given the national importance
1. Online Webinars: 85+ speaker sessions by TCE across and growing need to develop low-cost housing. TCE is
various industry and thought leadership forums. These sponsoring a technological solution that is being co-
ranged from being part of the Global Horasis panel to developed with IIT Bombay. The focus is on leveraging
various leading publication, reputed entities like TERI and 3D civil printing, reusing 100% recycled construction and
policymakers across multiple ministries and public sector demolition waste material to minimise environmental
entities. impact. This project shall support and offer sustainable
and eco-friendly solutions embedding the latest
2. Whitepapers Published: 40+ white papers, brochures, technologies and contribute to the “Make in India”
manuals, and reputed technical publications. campaign for Nation building.
3. Indian Standards Committees: 50+ TCE employees as • Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a colossal problem
members on various BIS committees. vitiating environmental safety in India, where at
4. Advocacy: More than 75+ sessions were held with the present we rely on landfill due to various constraints.
Government and Senior Stakeholders at the Centre and Incineration of Indian MSW is challenging due to its
State level across various Ministries. high organic fraction, moisture content, inert content,
and low heating value. Due to its unfavourable physical
5. C-Level Customer TEAM Sessions: Close to 60+ client properties, incineration of Indian wastes is feasible only
sessions at C-level/Senior Executive level were organised. with an additional fuel supply. A small-scale combustor
6. Social Media Posts and Updates: Published 150+ Linked has been designed and fabricated by IIT Bombay, which
posts with 3.35 lacs+ followers, 30+ Youtube videos would run on MSW feed. TCE is further sponsoring this
uploaded, 100+ Twitter tweets. project to carry out the experimental investigations. The
proposed Municipal solid Waste combustion technique
7. COVID-19 Solution Support: 200+ business queries would benefit the overall environment tremendously.
generated online and 3000+ COVID-19 specific questions Proper process development for waste combustion could
responded. Held 100+ telecons and sessions on COVID-19 curtail human dependence on fossil fuels. The massive
solutions to help Central and State Governments. MSME pile of MSW across the globe would be considered a new
and entrepreneurs keen to manufacture COVID-19 specific renewable source for energy soon.
open-sourced solutions by TCE .
8. TCE Website Visitor Statistics: TCE website saw an
average of 28k+ unique visits per month.