Page 94 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
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22  Annual Report 2020-21


        The fourteenth edition of Tata Volunteering Week (TVW14),
        launched on 5th September 2020, was successfully concluded
        on 7th October 2020. TVW14 offered a range of company-
        organised virtual volunteering opportunities and witnessed the
        participation of senior leaders, colleagues, family members from
        across the locations, who came together to join in the ‘Work
        From Heart’ campaign, a special edition where a large part of
        the volunteering was done remotely for the first time due to the

        37 volunteer programs, including Career Counselling, COVID-19
        Awareness, Mask Making, Teaching School Kids, Scientist in
        Making, etc., were conducted by our volunteers. A special
        session on the theme of Poshan Maah (Nutrition Month) 2020
        was held for caregivers and teachers, which demonstrated how
        to grow and consume nutrient-rich microgreens, along with a
        workshop on kitchen gardening.

        The 15th edition of Tata Volunteering Week (TVW15), launched
        on 3rd March 2021, successfully concluded on 31st March
        2021. The theme for the TVW15 edition was Shatter the Status
        Quo, and the program encompassed unique activities which
        were executed both virtually and on-ground with utmost
        safety precautions. We had a total of 55 volunteering programs
        which included career counselling, e-mentoring, teaching
        school students, safety awareness for construction site workers,
        Women’s Day celebration, virtual heritage tour etc.
        ProEngage is a part-time, skill-based volunteering programme
        that offers unique opportunities to contribute domain expertise
        and lead exciting projects that can help civil society achieve
        its goals faster. The duration of the activity undertaken as
        part of the program can range from one to six months, and
        volunteering is mainly done during weekends and holidays.
        This year the program saw enthusiastic participation from 14
        volunteers, including two family members of TCE employees,
        who completed their projects across various domains. The
        volunteers rendered their time and skills in helping partner

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