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                                                                                            22  Annual Report 2020-21

           The parents and elderly family members were onboarded   •  CSR Grants for Research Programs:
           to the program to support virtual learning. This new form   As part of CSR, TCE has engaged with Academia in the
           of knowledge has helped the onboarding parents. Parents   following areas: -
           have also started taking an interest in their children’s   Laboratory Support for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
           education and engaging with teachers on children’s    Thermal Cycle at Inter-disciplinary Centre for Energy
                                                                 Research with IISc Bangalore – This lab supports the
           Efforts are being made to enroll these children in formal   development of technology that uses CSP (Concentrated
           schools at the beginning of the next financial year   Solar Power) Super-critical CO2 thermal cycle.
           Other key components of the project include a community-  Large Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Power with IISc
           based educational program, a school partnership program,   Bangalore – Integration of large-scale solar power with the
           and adolescent children from the community.           grid will result in grid stability issues. This study finds the
                                                                 scale at which this happens and the remedial measures.
        •  Career Awareness
           In partnership with one of the non-profits firms, TCE has   Digital Twins for Mechanical Components with IIT Bombay
           been helping students from low-income groups studying   – This project aims to combine physics-based models with
           in government schools to acquire skills that help them get   real-time data analytics and machine learning to predict the
           employment and stable careers.                        behaviour of mechanical components.
           TCE has been able to help 117 students from marginalised   Design and Develop printable alkali activated mortar with
           communities studying in government schools by providing   construction and demolition waste. This project has started
           them job-oriented skilling programs to make them      in March 2021 and aims to develop a framework for the
           employable through phase I, II, III, IV of the programs.   systematic characterisation of construction and demolition
           The students were offered vocational skills covering 30   wastes. A systematic and straightforward mixture design
           courses offered by 15 Institutes. The partnership has helped   procedure for 3D printable mortar using alkali activation.
           underprivileged students access quality education and   Development of materials proportions suitable for printing
           training in vocational programs and achieve their dreams.  alkali activated mortar with CDW. Demonstration and one-
                                                                 day training of making the alkali activated mortar with CDW
           Out of 117 students, 101 (86%) beneficiary students are in
           the age group 18-25 years, and 42 (36%) of the students   and using the same for extrusion with the 3D printer at IIT
           were females.                                         Bombay for the TCE team. mortar/concrete with industrial
                                                                 by-products/residues as binders. Printing ability of alkali
           81 (69%) students have completed their course, and 68   activated binders with CDW using 3D printing technology.
           students post-completion are employed. The students
           received an average salary of Rs 16,500; the balance 13
           students pursued advanced study/higher education.

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