Page 87 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 87

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow


        With close to 42% of rural India engaged in agrarian pursuits,
        we understand this segment’s plight and lack of opportunities.
        Challenges like seasonal dependence, knowledge scarcity,
        dearth of resources, etc., plague the growth of this sector.
        However, we believe that armed with the right resources and
        opportunities, there is tremendous scope for the rural economy
        to rise above these challenges and unlock its potential to thrive.
        Thus, we have been undertaking several initiatives to address
        the urgent need of stabilising and diversifying farm-based
        livelihoods in rural areas. One such Initiative is the Water
        Management and Income Generation Program in Jawhar
        block, Maharashtra. Further, we worked extensively to scale the
        Khoripada program to include two new clusters in Hateri Dapti
        & Malghar as they are especially susceptible rural regions of
        Maharashtra. This Initiative has led to a significant lasting impact
        among close to 2000 lives. Some of the key initiatives under this
        program are:
        •   Water Management through Farm pond fencing
           In the face of little groundwater and the absence of any
           perennial water source, rainwater harvesting is the saving
           grace that creates protective irrigation in the Dapti and
           Malghar villages of Maharashtra. Since its inception, this
           Initiative has helped build a total of 12 ponds totalling
           a capacity to harvest rainwater up to 1.80 Crore litres of
           water at one time. Five ponds with a capacity of 75 Lakhs
           litres were added in FY 2020-21. Harvested rainwater
           helps to store surface water for use both during and
           after the monsoon. It is used for the protective irrigation
           of horticulture plots and jasmine crops in the region,
           thus powering prosperity and growth. Through this
           protective irrigation, 35 acres of horticulture plantation was
           propagated by the farmers, along with rabbi vegetable
           cultivation by 14 farmers and propagation of jasmine plots
           by 44 farmers.
        •   Capability Building to foster Sustainable Livelihood
           Capability building has been a core focus area for our
           sustainable livelihood initiative. We believe that skill
           development can contribute leaps and bounds to alleviate
           the challenges in distressed agrarian zones. Several training
           initiatives were undertaken on farm cultivation, collective
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