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22  Annual Report 2020-21

            E        T       H         I       C         A        L         C        O           D        E

        LIVING THE ETHICAL CODE AT TCE                        to measure the progress/ effectiveness of the LBE framework.
                                                              External subject matter experts trained ethics Counsellors
        Our code of conduct confirms our commitment to being   and POSH IC members. A dedicated section on Ethics was
        an equal opportunity employer with no discrimination or   introduced in TCExpression to enhance awareness across
        harassment.                                           employee segments. Group Ethics Office recognised the process
        Imbibing TCoC among new and existing employees continued   for “Third Party Due Diligence” implemented by TCE as one of the
        to be a focus area. It was further strengthened through focused   Promising Practices followed by Group Companies.
        communication by conducting “Ethics Week” in October 2020   Disclosures as per the Sexual Harassment of  Women at
        and March 2021 to enhance awareness of the Tata Code of   Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,
        Conduct (TCoC) LBE framework. A mascot named “Dr Owlivia” –   2013:
        ethics advisor was launched during Ethics Week to promote an
        ethical environment and resolve ethical dilemmas employees   The company has zero tolerance for sexual harassment at the
        and other stakeholders face.                          workplace. It has adopted a Policy on prevention, prohibition
                                                              and redressal of sexual harassment at the workplace in line with
        Several communication programs, e-learning programs, Quiz   the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
        based on Case Studies were conducted virtually (due to the   (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the Rules
        COVID-19 Pandemic) in TCoC, POSH, Gift and Hospitality, Whistle   thereunder for prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual
        Blower Policy, ABAC and AML for all stakeholders, including third   harassment at workplace.
        Party workforce and Supplier /Partners. TCoC / POSH related
        communication was done by Senior Leadership in various   Three complaints have been reported under the Prevention of
        communication forums such as Offsite, COCs.           Sexual Harassment Act in FY 2020-21. 2 complaints were duly
                                                              investigated and closed within the timeline stipulated as per the
        Learnings from FY 2020-21concerns were shared during CHRO   Act. One complaint was received at the end of February 2021,
        connect calls and Quarterly DC Communications by Senior   and the investigation is in progress.
        Leadership. LBE Survey on Ethics was conducted in July 2020

                          A mascot named “Dr Owlivia”

                          – ethics advisor was launched

                          during Ethics Week to promote an

                          ethical environment and resolve

                          ethical dilemmas employees and

                          other stakeholders face.

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