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                                                                                            22  Annual Report 2020-21

        We also conducted a virtual Happiness Week to spread   The program is received very well by our senior
        cheer and bring more positivity to the teams. Over five days,   management, and we are continuously striving to
        employees across the organisation shared recognition drops
        with one another based on the theme of the day and celebrated   bring in a richer learning experience for them.
        moments that mattered.                                Another flagship program of TCE to catalyse
                                                              the transition of managers to thought leaders is

        ENHANCING PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT AS A FORCE FOR           coined as LEAP. Leadership Excellence through
        CHANGE                                                Awareness and Practice (LEAP) commenced in

        TCE’s development interventions are systematically designed,   August 2020 to foster a growth mindset, strategic
        amalgamated and executed to construct and perpetuate a   thinking, managing change & diversity. The
        high-performance workforce. Our Talent Management programs   pedagogy includes integrative and reflective
        focus on the holistic development of our employees via   learning.
        cultivating a Learning culture in the organisation.
                                                              This augmented journey is spanned over five months and is
        There is an enhanced focus on developing talent through   delivered over a high-impact virtual environment. To provide
        programs related to leadership journeys – with the mode of   participants with real-time insights, we incorporated peer-to-
        delivery becoming virtual but equally effective.
                                                              peer learning, Speed coaching, Action learning projects as a
        Leadership Journey Redefined                          part of the development journey. The program focuses on four
                                                              aspects of capability building, i.e. Leading Self, Leading and
        To cater to our dynamic business requirement, it’s imperative
        that our leaders demonstrate a collaborative mindset and can   Growing Team, Leading with Trust and Leading with Influence.
        tackle the accelerating change to create disruptive growth.
        With this intent, we conceptualised and launched the PIVOT   AUGMENTING DIGITAL LEARNING
        leadership program in partnership with Tata Management
        Training Centre (TMTC). Pivot lays a strong learning foundation   We capitalised on technology to create engaging and enriching
        for our Senior management and focuses on developing global   training opportunities for our employees. Our interactive Virtual
        leadership competencies to navigate an increasingly complex   Learning Academy, Qlik2Learn, added a new dimension to the
        business environment.                                 entire learning experience. It enabled our employees to access
                                                              a plethora of learning modules to take charge of their self-
        This program is an immersive learning journey of      development, such as live learning events, e-learning programs,
        six months, having well embedded scientific and       videos, open-source programs, and blogs across various
        adaptive tools like psychometric assessment, Self-    categories like FutureFit Softskills Masterkey and WellnessHQ.
        paced learning, Virtual classroom, access to the      Another step in ushering in the digital learning experience
        digital platform of Tata Tomorrow University and      was the launch of our virtual onboarding program, In-
        industry expert talks.                                Touch 2.0. The program encapsulates pre-onboarding and

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