Page 81 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 81

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

        orientation elements, with all new hire journey touchpoints   MANAGING PERFORMANCE FOR SUCCESSFUL DELIVERY
        right from manager connect, buddy interaction to detailed   IN A VIRTUAL WORLD
        orientation sessions being held virtually. The digital pre-
        onboarding program is delivered through our cloud-based   With the transition to a predominantly virtual workforce, and
        advanced learning platform iBridge, designed to ensure that   with fewer day-to-day touchpoints between managers and their
        the experiential methodology is retained in virtual training   teams, we reinforced the following elements in our performance
        through interactive elements in the learning modules, topical   management process, which are critical to ensure the realisation
        assessments, and real-time interaction with in-house subject   of organisational objectives in the Pandemic era:
        matter experts and social learning elements such as peer   1.  Cascading organisation goals to individuals and alignment
        interactions, etc.                                       to changing business priorities.
        To accelerate growth and create an unhindered         2.  Communicating clear performance expectations and
        platform for nurturing and developing talent,            prioritisation of work to ensure successful performance
        we recently launched our immersive learning              delivery.
        platform, SMILe-Percipio, powered by cutting-         3.  Checking in regularly to monitor team and individual
        edge learning technology.                                performance with structured feedback mechanisms.
                                                              At TCE, we believe that our performance management process
        The new virtual learning academy empowers our employees   is one of the most critical anchors of our culture of empathy.
        with the convenience and comfort of learning from anywhere.    Hence, we ensured weaving in compassionate feedback
        This customised, bite-sized and self-paced learning provides   mechanisms in every stage of the process, encompassing multi-
        one-click access to 500 pre-curated learning channels with   dimensional business, team, and individual elements.
        thousands of learning content in the form of videos, books,
        podcasts and many more. The platform has integrated AI   Our digital performance management platform,
        technology to help learners get more personalised learning   PRISM, helped us ensure holistic goal-setting and
        recommendations and encourage active learning. We also   effective tracking of individual performance to
        launched a virtual gamified learning tournament called
        Learning Premier League (LPL), spanning one week to catalyse   bolster our high-performance culture. Further,
        behavioural and technical competency development among   with a continued focus on structured mid-term
        employees by incentivising learning engagement and adoption.   reviews, quarterly feedback discussions and
        The program created a renewed interest in learning and self-  ongoing performance conversations, we were
        development at TCE, seeing enthusiastic participation from
        employees across locations and business units.        able to setup our teams for success.

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