Page 79 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 79

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

        We also kept our employees abreast with the latest updates   As part of this campaign, we conducted several well-being
        on the business front to ensure we all remain connected and   sessions every month with a different theme each month. The
        engaged through these times. Across multiple forums, our   initiatives included offering our employees a series of physical
        business leaders, right from the Team Leads, BU Leadership to   well-being sessions such as Virtual Yoga Masterclasses on
        the apex leaders, including our Managing Director, continued to   Breathing Techniques, sessions on Heart N Health, Wellbeing for
        regularly communicate with all our employees, updating them   Women and even social well-being such as Art of Photography.
        on the team and business unit performance, the overall health
        of our business and on the adoption of new strategies ensuring   We believe that fostering a fun work environment
        that our company is strongly forging its way ahead.   can make employees less stressed, more
                                                              productive, more creative, and more engaged.
        We held an organisation-wide LIVE e-Townhall
        session chaired by our MD, Mr Amit Sharma,            In the past year, Fun@Work metamorphosed
        immediately following the lockdown, where             into Fun@WfH (work from home). As part of our
                                                              social well-being initiative, we created Delivery
        employees from across the globe participated.
        This helped us assuage the employees’ concerns regarding   Centre wise, Virtual DC Breakout rooms to keep
        the Pandemic, sharing TCE’s COVID-19 Response plan and   the spirit of Fun@Work intact, with hosting
        BCP (Business Continuity Plans) and guidelines on effectively   multiple team activities in the breakout rooms
        working from home. This was followed by quarterly e-Townhalls   such as various brain-boosting games, virtual
        across all our Delivery Centres (DCs), which helped us share   retreats and exciting activities such as virtual
        continuous business updates, project success stories, check
        on employees’  family well-being and keep them updated on   celebrations, hosting webcasts, live talent show
        the Do’s and Don’ts pertaining to the Pandemic and lockdown.   and other performances on several occasions. We
        These measures certainly enhanced our employee engagement   also extended the invite to the family members of
        quotient. All our employees were now fully armed with all   our employees, whom we like to address as our
        information related to business and TCE’s future growth plans,
        thereby ensuring they continue to align with TCE’s goals and   extended TCE family, as they graciously joined us
        Vision, Mission & Values.                             along with excitement and fervour.

        Employee Well Being at the heart of Employee Experience  Boosting Employee Morale
        At TCE, our employees’ well-being has always been paramount   To recognise the indomitable spirit of TCEites who have shown
        to us. Thus, during this Pandemic period, their health and   a brave face to the challenges, we revamped several of our
        well-being have been at the heart of TCE’s response plan. We   recognition programs such as our Virtual Kudos to facilitate
        continued to promote a positive environment in the remote   recognition of team members using the virtual mode, launching
        workplaces, support employees’ physical, mental and emotional   peer-to-peer recognition program #ThankYouBuddy, driving
        well-being, and help them overcome their challenges during   online platforms of recognition to keep the employee morale
        this time.                                            high and celebrating the innovation and value addition
                                                              showcased by our employees through e-PRIDE Poster Sessions.
        To create a remote workplace that supports well-being, we
        initiated a virtual wellness campaign, WellnessHQ, that focused
        on the following elements:

        •   Enhancing the Culture of Wellbeing – Empowering our
            employees through raising awareness on mental health and
            making well-being conversations commonplace.
        •   Education and Anticipation – Building capability on well-
            being by providing on-demand access to self-help wellness
            tools for individuals and teams, including bite-sized capsule
            modules on managing stress and forging ahead with
            resilience & perseverance.
        •   Encouraging Support – Encouraging managers to take
            responsibility for their teams’  well-being and build empathy
            towards team members in these challenging times.

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