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                                                                                            22  Annual Report 2020-21

        PROJECT INNOVATIONS IN DESIGN ENGINEERING             Highlights of the contribution by the Technology Group:

        With an apt acronym PRIDE, this initiative allowed project teams
        to showcase and share the achievements in building value to our
        customers and help create a sense of pride in being part of such
        a unique team.
        The second virtual knowledge-sharing e-Pride session was
        conducted in a new format. Separate sessions were conducted                        Update on IPR activities,
        for each Business Unit (BU) involving 100 teams. Around 57 teams   Publication of Newsletter   latest technology, innovation
        were shortlisted for the final presentation round, which was a live   TECHNOVATION  and value engineering
        event. The participating teams submitted a pre-recorded video
        which was evaluated by a jury panel, and winners announced.

        The ability to develop and launch new products & services
        relevant to the market on a sustainable basis defines any
        organisation. TCE’s mission is “To provide Technically Excellent
        and Innovative Solutions for adding value for all stakeholders and
        operate globally as professional consulting engineers”.

        Innovation processes focus on creating and maximising value to
        the business, revenue generation through IP, differentiated value-
        added services, and creating market disruption to stay ahead
        of the competition. To promote an innovative culture in TCE, an
        innovation framework was set up with a detailed project plan,
        and clear objectives and deliverables monitored and reviewed.
        FY 2020-21 saw record number of 92 Innovista entries of which   Floating Solar       L-CNG Stations
        23 moved to 2nd round.

        To meet the challenges of remote working on technically
        challenging tasks, Discipline Heads engaged directly with project   Tunnel Ventilation  Metro Station
        teams on various critical and challenging projects in new work
        domains. This included the Metro projects, High-Speed Rail
        terminal project, MSME projects where the Delivery Heads (DH’s)
        handheld the team members to guide design solutions and        Hybrid Wind Tower  Modularisation of Steel
        create opportunities for developing standard design tools and                          Structures

              TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT                                                ACADEMIA COLLABORATION
              Tech Strategies & New Tech Offerings                                  Program Partnership
              Productisation and Templatisation                                     CSR Funded Research Programs

              QA/QC                                   Technology                        MANAGEMENT
              Error Free Deliverables                    Group                          Enhanced Productivity
                                                        Offerings                       Capture & Dissemination of

              TECHNICAL BRANDING                                                      BUSINESS ENABLEMENT
              Improve Brand Value                                                     Technically Superior Solutions
              Seminars, Conferences                                                   Value Additions & Innovations
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79