Page 69 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 69

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

         DAT BU has 3 distinct offerings aligned to emerging customer needs in the plant lifecycle

                      ASSET                              ASSET                           PRODUCT
                  DIGITISATION                       MANAGEMENT                        ENGINEERING
                    SOLUTIONS                         SOLUTIONS                         SOLUTIONS

                  Creation of Digital             Data Integration, analytics         Product Engineering,
                 asset and digitisation          and use of latest technology         analysis for complex
                 of engineering data in           to provide operational and           equipment in plant
                 greenfield, brownfield          maintenance improvement             environment and special
                  and existing plants.                  solutions.                   one of its ’kind’ projects.

              •   Asset Digitisation            •   Industry 4.0 Advisory          •   New Machine
              •   Asset Information                 Solutions                          Development
                 Management                     •   IT-OT Integration              •   Machine Localisation

              •   Digital Handover              •   Data Dashboarding &            •   Machine Component
              •   Smart P&ID                        Visualisation                      Development
              •   3D Engineering /BIM           •   Asset Performance              •   Design Validation
                 Outsourcing (ADC)                  Management Solutions           •   FE / CFD Analysis
              •   4D/5D Simulation              •   Mobility & Digital             •   Special Projects
                                                    Workforce Solutions
              •   Engineering IT Services

                                                    Fig-1 DAT BU Services


            COVID-19 has led to increased awareness and opened   in OT areas like improvements in efficiencies, maintenance,
            Client mindset towards Digital Adoption:             throughput etc. are getting postponed.
            COVID-19 and related business disruptions faced by most     The emergence of new-age digital project
            clients have led to a change in mindset towards digital      management solutions:
            adoption from ‘good to have’ to a ‘must have’. Clients   With increasing business uncertainly and reducing access
            are now looking for solutions that can provide them   to stable capital, Capex investments are at risk, and there is
            with enhanced performance, reliability and information   immense pressure on project teams to optimise sanctioned
            availability to take faster, better decisions and reduce risk—  Capex projects. Many clients are beginning to look for the
            another area of high interest in ‘low touch’ technologies that   next set of smart project management solutions that help
            reduce dependence on physical human presence.
                                                                 them optimise costs, reduce/delay risks and provide better
            However, the economic uncertainties are making most   real-time visibility of ground realities.
            firms hold back on significant investments:           Digital engineering and digital tools:
            While PSUs and prominent private industrial players are      Creation and management of assets using digital tools and
            floating formal RFQs of substantial value for a wide range   the interfacing and collaboration of physical and digital
            of digital handover requirements, asset digitisation, APM,   assets. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is expected to
            digital workforce, etc. the decision making on these   gain ground as a reliable, shared knowledge resource for
            tenders is witnessing much delay. Most medium-sized   information and decision-making.
            firms are waiting for the economic scenario to become
            more stable before proceeding with digital investments.
            The focus of many companies currently  is more on   In line with the above key trends, we plan to strengthen our
            investments in modernising their IT infrastructure  like   business on Industry 4.0, FEA and BIM. We also aim to grow
            supply chain management, logistics, Cloud migration etc.   our asset digitisation business and are focused on building an
            while investments in the adoption of digital technologies    internal centre of excellence for digital engineering.

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